Alternative to Jail time for 3rd DUI
Question: I was sentenced to 180 days jail for my 3rd dui in Van Nuys, CA in Los Angeles County. I have been doing all my jail time at a private jail and finished most of it already and wanted to know If it it possible to get the last 3 weekends waived off or... Read More
Question: Will pleading guilty to a DUI right away help lessen the consequences or reduce the charges? My case is in Burbank Court if that helps.
Answer: That is a bad idea in Burbank Court or any other court for that matter. What will make a difference is hiring a good DUI defense attorney that can investigate, work and fight your case! That is how you get the charges and/or penalties down. Walking in and blindly pleading guilty to charges is... Read More
Classes if conviction for DUI?
Classes if conviction for DUI? Question: Will I eventually be asked to attend some kind of classes if conviction for DUI? My DUI is in Burbank but I live in Reseda, CA. Can I do classes in Reseda or does it have to be in Burbank, CA? Also, what do the classes consist of? I... Read More
Question: Can I get charged with DUI if police pulled me over for a traffic violation? The arrest took place in Encino, CA
Answer: Yes, and usually, the traffic violation is the reason that people get pulled over for DUI. Keep in mind that sometimes officers claim there is a traffic violation, but sometimes there was not. When that can be exposed, then it is a valid defense showing that the officers lacked probable cause to pull you... Read More
defending yourself in a San Fernando DUI case
Defending yourself in a San Ferando DUI case (generally not a good idea) Question: How can I defend myself from a DUI that I got? I was arrested for DUI in San Fernando, CA the other day and want to know what I should do in my case. For example, how do I fight the... Read More
Bobby Brown arrested for DUI in Tarzana, DUI court in Van Nuys, CA
Bobby Brown was arrested for a DUI in Tarzana, CA and was formally charged Wednesday with three misdemeanor charges The charges include two DUI Charges, VC 23152(a) driving under the influence of alcohol, and VC 23152(b) driving with a Blood Alcohol level of .08 or higher, as well as driving on a suspended license (VC... Read More
Passenger in car driver arrested for DUI
Question: Will police contact my mother if her name is on the registration? During a DUI investigation will police contact the owner of the car (who was not the person driving during the incident) or the person who was in the car as a witness during the DUI? for example: my car is under my... Read More