Calibration of breathalizers

Question: How often must law enforcement, calibrate their breathalyzers, in the state of California? Answer: Pursuant to Title Code 17, Breath machines should be checked for accuracy within 10 days or 150 subjects (using that machine) whichever comes first. Call me if you would like to discuss this issue further, as well as other issues...
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Minor in Possession Ventura

Question: My son received a MIP in Ventura California but the citation code used was 25664a this doesn’t make sense. What is the correct violation for this and what are the potential penalties? Also, I think there could be Should we fight this? He was at a house party no parents home and he is...
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Are Breath Tests accurate for DUI?

Are Breath Tests accurate for DUI? Question: Are breath tests an accurate basis for a DUI?  I took a breath test machine and the results seem like they came back a lot higher than what they should have.  Yes, I had some drinks earlier in the night, but for the last hour I was drinking...
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DUI sobriety tests

Question: Can I choose which sobriety test to take if arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles, CA…Van Nuys specifically (if that matters)? For example, can I choose a breath test? or can they make me take a blood test? Answer: Assuming both are available, you can choose breath or blood. If the breath machine...
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License suspended after arrested for DUI

Question: Why did the officer took my license and issued me suspension after arresting me for DUI in Los Angeles, CA? I thought I was innocent until proven guilty??? Answer: Your license is considered a quasi-civil matter through the DMV and you have the right to request a hearing to fight your license being suspended,...
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Can I refuse Field sobriety test

Question: Can I refuse a field sobriety test if I am pulled over for a DUI in CA? Answer: As long as you are not on probation that would require you to perform sobriety tests (ie. probation for a prior DUI), then you can refuse to do a field sobriety tests. Note, if you are...
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getting job with criminal record

Question: How do I get a job if I have a criminal record from seven years ago? Answer: I would recommend getting the conviction dismissed/expunged pursuant to PC 1203.4 (pending on your conviction). I handle expungements for felony and misdemeanors and can assist you with this. Feel free to contact me at 818-336-1384 to discuss...
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