Expungement and employment
Question: I got a DUI years ago when I was in college in Los Angeles, CA. I am now looking for a job. What can I do to help with this DUI when it comes to employment? Answer: I would recommend petitioning the court to get your DUI dismissed/expunged through a PC1203.4. This won’t wipe... Read More
Interlock device for DUI in Los Angeles
Question: How many days will the ignition-interlock device stays in my car on a DUI in Los Angeles, CA? Answer: It depends on your situation. In Los Angeles County, on a first DUI, the IID restriction is for 5 months. 1 year on a 2nd DUI, etc. Check out my website www.1DUI lawyer.com/dui for more... Read More
SCRAM alternative for DUI
Question: Does the court ever change their mind? The court wants me to wear a SCRAM bracelet for my 3rd DUI. They said that I have to pay for it but I don’t want to pay for it if I don’t have to. Answer: It depends on the situation. It may be possible to convince... Read More
Insurance after DUI in Los Angeles
Question: I am planning to get a new car insurance and I already have a couple DUI convictions. Will my insurance be effected by the DUI’s in Los Angeles, CA? Answer: It is likely that the DUI’s will increase your car insurance in Los Angeles if they were fairly recent. How long ago the DUI... Read More
DUI but officer did not see me drive
Question: Can I be convicted of a DUI in San Fernando, CA if the officer that pulled me over and arrested me for DUI never actually saw me driving? He said that a regular person called my car in for DUI and that was the call that he answered.
Los Angeles – Criminal Courts Building
I am a DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney, and have handled drunk driving and other criminal cases all over Southern California, and particularly throughout Los Angeles including downtown L.A. I am proud of the reputation I have built by both fighting for and counseling my clients through the stressful, confusing and scary moments that accompany... Read More
Change of DUI plea
Question: I pled guilty to a DUI a month ago, and now I want to hire a new DUI attorney to change my plea and go to jury trial. Is this possible?