Expungement and employment

Question: I got a DUI years ago when I was in college in Los Angeles, CA. I am now looking for a job. What can I do to help with this DUI when it comes to employment? Answer: I would recommend petitioning the court to get your DUI dismissed/expunged through a PC1203.4. This won’t wipe...
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Interlock device for DUI in Los Angeles

Question: How many days will the ignition-interlock device stays in my car on a DUI in Los Angeles, CA? Answer: It depends on your situation. In Los Angeles County, on a first DUI, the IID restriction is for 5 months. 1 year on a 2nd DUI, etc. Check out my website www.1DUI lawyer.com/dui for more...
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SCRAM alternative for DUI

Question: Does the court ever change their mind? The court wants me to wear a SCRAM bracelet for my 3rd DUI. They said that I have to pay for it but I don’t want to pay for it if I don’t have to. Answer: It depends on the situation. It may be possible to convince...
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Insurance after DUI in Los Angeles

Question: I am planning to get a new car insurance and I already have a couple DUI convictions. Will my insurance be effected by the DUI’s in Los Angeles, CA? Answer: It is likely that the DUI’s will increase your car insurance in Los Angeles if they were fairly recent. How long ago the DUI...
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Los Angeles – Criminal Courts Building

I am a DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney, and have handled drunk driving and other criminal cases all over Southern California, and particularly throughout Los Angeles including downtown L.A. I am proud of the reputation I have built by both fighting for and counseling my clients through the stressful, confusing and scary moments that accompany...
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