DUI Alcohol Program
Question: How long do I have to complete my DUI alcohol program if it doesn’t say on my probation papers?
2nd DUI questions please help
I am from out of state and got a 2nd DUI in San Fernando, CA. If I don’t show up to court and leave the country, will I get extradited from Thailand? or what will happen if I try to return to California?
Consequences of Refusal
Consequences of Refusal Question: I was charged with refusing to submit to chemical tests during a Van Nuys DUI when in fact I did agree. Can I fight this charge? Answer: Yes, you can fight this charge, a general rule of thumb in any criminal case is it is better to have a qualified attorney review... Read More
Expunging a DUI
Question: On 9/10/2010 I plead guilty to 23152(a) VC in Van Nuys, CA. I was put on informal probation, I believe, for 3 years. I’ve stayed out of trouble since that incident. Now my question is, Is it possible to get that DUI expunged of my record? I am in the search for a new... Read More
DUI Jury Trial vs. DUI Bench trial
Question: Would you recommend a jury trial for DUI as opposed to a bench trial? I have heard that judges are often biased towards defendants as they were former prosecutors. Answer: Unfortunately, this can be the case with some Judges (even though they are not supposed to be). Some juries can be biased as well... Read More
DUI checkpoints
Question: I was arrested for a DUI recently in Van Nuys, CA at a DUI checkpoint. Are these legal since I was not driving badly? Is it a possible defense to my DUI?
Reinstatement of CA Driver's License Process after San Fernando DUI
Question: Hello. My drivers license DUI suspension will be up in a few weeks. I have all my necessary paperwork, fees, etc ready to go. What should I expect the day I go in. Does the DMV give a temporary license on the spot OR do they make us wait for the actual plastic license... Read More