Fine for DUI conviction
Question: I was convicted of a DUI, what if I cannot pay the fine for DUI?
Consequences of 2nd DUI with prior DUI in another state.
Question: What happens if I get a 2nd conviction for DUI? Will I lose my license? How should I got about this? My first offense was in another state.
San Fernando DUI even though low Alcohol level
Question: I was charged with DUI even though I had a .07 alcohol level. I did blood test as well. Is there a chance of getting the DUI charge reduced in San Fernando, CA Court?
DUI Expungement in Van Nuys Court
Question: If I get my DUI expunged, what happens if I get another DUI? Would it only be a 1st DUI at that point if the expungement was successful?
DUI with alcohol and prescription drugs
Question: Does having prescription drug in your system along with alcohol make the case or penalty different? This is for a first time DUI offense in Van Nuys, CA
Biggest Court in Nation Cuts Operations – Los Angeles County Courts
LOS ANGELES (CN) – The nation’s biggest court announced Monday extraordinary staff cuts and courtroom closures as a result of both California’s budget crisis and long term policy by the top administrative brass for California’s courts. “These are extraordinary measures, never before seen in the Los Angeles Superior Court,” wrote Presiding Judge Lee Edmon in... Read More
Hundreds of DUI cases in San Francisco, CA could be tossed
Hundreds of drunken-driving convictions in San Francisco could be thrown out because of questions about how police handled the device that measures blood alcohol levels, prosecutors and the public defender’s office said Monday. The problem could affect as many as 1,000 convictions, said Public Defender Jeff Adachi, whose office is working with District Attorney George... Read More