If you were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or a criminal charge in Tarzana, then your case will take place in Van Nuys Court. As a DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney, I have handled numerous cases for arrests in Tarzana and throughout Los Angeles County, and I am very familiar with judges and... Read More
Studio City DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been arrested for a DUI or other criminal offense in Studio City or surrounding area, call 818-336-1384 for a free consultation.
Woodland Hills DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been arrested for a DUI or other Criminal Charge in Woodland Hills, your criminal case will be in Van Nuys. Call (818) 336-1384 for free consultation.
Sherman Oaks DUI and Criminal Defense
If you were arrested for a DUI, Criminal Charge, or a traffic ticket in Sherman Oaks, CA, call (818) 336-1384 for a free consultion with Attorney Phil Hache.
Van Nuys DUI Attorney and Criminal Defense
If you received a DUI or another criminal charge in or around Van Nuys, feel free to call me at (818) 336-1384 to discuss your case situation in more detail
Question: Can my DUI be removed from my record? I was convicted for a DUI in Van Nuys Court
answer: It is possible to file an expungement/ withdrawal and dismissal for DUI charges, and I have done so extremely successfully for clients. I would recommend having a DUI attorney handle it as granting of this is discretionary by the Judge. Also, my rates for handling expungements are very reasonable. Call me at 818-336-1384 and... Read More
Question: Is my friend liable for the DUI too? He was an underage passenger (20) in a car of a girl who was arrested for DUI in Studio City, CA.
Answer: I do not think that your friend will be looking at any charges based on what you wrote, but of course, there may be more to the story. If criminal charges are filed against your friend, then I would recommend hiring an attorney to handle them. Was your friend cited for any violation regarding... Read More