Citing Startling Research on False Positive Drug Tests
Those field drug test kits police use to test for the presence of illegal drugs are so unreliable they should be banned, researchers said Tuesday. A Hershey’s candy bar, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap, and Tylenol are just a few of the common items that generate false positives. Air was another. The National Press Club in... Read More
Question: Is there any way to get my DUI case dismissed if my Miranda rights were violated?
Answer: It may be possible to get statements made after arrest suppressed if Miranda rights were not read or questions were asked and answered after you told them you wanted a attorney. There may also be a gray line of when the “arrest” actually took place for purposes of miranda…it can be before they slapped... Read More
Question: I have a DUI in Van nuys, CA from last year. I want to move out of state soon. How do I resolve it?
Answer: Based on what you wrote, I am assuming you have pending DUI charges in Van Nuys, CA. WHat I am unsure of is whether you have regularly appeared on these DUI charges, or if you failed to go to court for the arraignment or later hearings regarding this DUI. If you never went to... Read More
Question: Can I move my San Fernando DUI arraignment to a different day?
Answer: If you have a privately retained DUI attorney handling your DUI case, and if it is being charged as a DUI misdemeanor (not a felony) then your DUI attorney can handle the hearing for you without you needing to be present in court under most circumstances. It is also possible to advance DUI arraignments,... Read More
Question: Why did the cop take my drivers license after I was arrested for DUI in Tarzana? How do i get it back?
Answer: Assuming you have a CA drivers license, an officer has authority to confiscate it after a DUI arrest is made. Note that in order to fight a suspension from the DMV, you or your DUI attorney needs to request a DMV hearing within 10 days from the arrest. Also, if there is a conviction... Read More
Question: Can I be arrested for petty theft if it was an employee of the store, NOT a police officer that stopped me? I have a Petty theft case coming up at Airport court in Los Angeles next month.
Answer: Yes. It is not required that a police officer initially stop you when being cited and/or arrested for PPC 484 Petty Theft. There may be other options and defenses applicable to your petty theft case though. Call me to discuss your petty theft case further? Phil Hache DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Handling... Read More
Question: Can I get my DUI lowered to reckless driving? I was arrested for DUI in Valley Village area and did a blood test.
Answer: It is possible to get DUI charges reduced to lesser charges, such as reckless driving. You should consult with and have an experienced DUI attorney represent you on this matter. They will need to know more information about your case in order to better assess it. Feel free to call me at 818-336-1 DUI... Read More