Question: Are wet reckless convictions the same as DUI convictions? I have a Van Nuys DUI charge and I have been reading about wet reckless, but am unclear of the differences. Does it matter that I was pulled over on highway in Encino?

Answer: A wet reckless is generally speaking a lesser offense than a DUI, although both are classified as misdemeanors normally (note that some DUI’s can be charged as felonies). A wet reckless is still priorable as if it were a DUI, but generally come with lesser penalties, and can be more favorably viewed upon as...
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Question: I received a Driving with no license VC 12500 and a Petty Theft 484 within two weeks of each other. Both in San Fernando Court. Will this make things worse?

Answer: Well, obviously there are 2 charges now (as opposed to 1 or 0). But it also may be possible to combine the cases and work out a better resolution (as opposed to handling both of them separately). Do you have any other convictions? Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and...
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Question: I got a DUI in Woodland Hills and was convicted of 2nd DUI with lots of jail time…should have gotten an attorney I guess. Anyways,Do I need a lawyer who specialized in DUI to get a restricted license?

Answer: Sorry to hear about the outcome of your 2nd DUI case. Had you contacted me earlier, I may have been able to help you defend it. To answer your question, although a DUI attorney familiar with the DMV can help walk you through it, you don’t really need a DUi attorney just to get...
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Question: Will a San Fernando dui charge and driving with a open container affect a separate civil lawsuit case that i'm involved with based on an accident in Sherman Oaks, CA? Should I inform my civil attorney of this?

Answer: You should inform your civil attorney of the current situation so your attorney can act accordingly to better represent you in your case. Keeping secrets from your lawyer usually backfires and causes more damage. In regards to your San Fernando DUI and open container violations, you should have a DUI defense attorney defend you...
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Question: How much jail time will I face for not going to a Los Angeles DUI Court date? I was out of state at the time of the Court date.

Answer: What court is the criminal charges in? And how long ago was the arraignment (the first Court date?) I would have a better inclination on an estimate as different courts may handle these matters differently. Call me at 818-336-1 DUI to discuss further. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and...
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