Did not complete my court work program for my San Fernando DUI
Did not complete my court work program for my San Fernando DUI Question: I was convicted of a DUI recently and some things came up and I am going to have some issues completing my court ordered work by the due date the court gave me. Will I go to jail for not completing my court... Read More
Getting the felony expunged
Getting the felony expunged Question: Is it possible to keep employers form seeing my Van Nuys felony? I have a felony conviction from a long time ago. After I got out of jail I slowly started piecing my life together, but didn’t pay much attention to it. Just wanted to forget about that rough patch... Read More
Question: How can I get my license back after four DUIs? First DUI in Van Nuys, Second DUI in Simi Valley, Third DUI in San Fernando, Fourth DUI in Van Nuys.
Answer: What were the years of your DUI’s? Did you comply with the terms of probation for all of them? I need to know more about your situation to figure out exactly why your license is still suspended, then I could potentially advise on how to get it back. Also, are any of your DUI’s... Read More
Question: Can we be charged for damages in Los Angeles to a Hotel Room in that we did not commit and room was not under our name?
Answer: Well, if the room was checked out to your friends name, then he will likely be held responsible for the damages incurred. Assuming there was nothing criminal done, they can’t issue a warrant for an arrest. They would potentially come after you in civil court in order to get recouped for the damages caused.... Read More
Question: What can I do if I was accused of a crime in Van Nuys, CA that was found to be false?
Answer: Retain a defense attorney to defend you in Van Nuys Court. I need more info about your case to better assess. Call me. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney www.philhachelaw.com Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including Van Nuys, CA, San Fernando, CA, Burbank, CA, Glendale, CA, Pasadena, CA,... Read More
Question: How can I avoid a guilty plea for PC 484 Petty Theft in Los Angeles LAX / Airport Court?
Answer: First step is to hire a criminal defense attorney. I have had success getting charges in similar situations reduced to trespass as an infraction, and sometimes completely dismissed (potentially by way of civil compromise or deferred entry of judgement). Feel free to contact me at 818-336-1384 if you would like to discuss your case... Read More
Question: My daughter was arrested in Van Nuys for DUI close to the house in Sherman Oaks, CA. She passed the field sobbriety test, but had a 0.82 Breath test.
Answer: How old is your daughter? Over or under 21 years old. That can make a big difference with regards to the BAC as there is a zero tolerance law for under 21 DUI’s. That being said, there are certainly defenses to make regardless of her age. Contact me at 818-336-1384 to discuss further. I... Read More