Question: Pulled over for a DUI. Need DUI Attorney in Studio City, CA. My question is, what if I didn't take breath test?
Answer: If after getting arrested the officers asked you to submit to a breath or blood test, and you refused both, it is likely they will add a “refusal” enhancement to the charges which will increase the potential penalty (both from the court and from the dmv). It is possible to overcome this though. Call... Read More
Question: I have a 2nd DUI in Torrance, and a first DUI in Van Nuys 12 years ago. I know I am looking at jail time. How much?
Well, some good news for you, if your first DUI in Van Nuys was over 10 years ago, then this one in Torrance will be treated as a first DUI, even though technically it is a 2nd Offense DUI in Torrance. I would need to know more factors about your case, but you may not... Read More
Question: Are DUI's misdemeanors or felonies when the DUI is in Burbank?
Answer: Most DUI charges are filed as misdemeanors, including DUI’s in Burbank. They can be filed as felonies if it is your 4th or more DUI in 10 years, or if there is an accident with injury involved. Phil Hache, Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern... Read More
Question: I have a DUI charge in Van Nuys. Where do I go for the hearing exactly?
Answer: The address of where you need to go should be on the citation that initially received. Van Nuys Court is on Van Nuys Blvd. between Oxnard and Sherman Way. Most DUI’s are handled in Dept. 103 for the arraignments (ie. first court date). If you are not hiring a private attorney to handle the... Read More
Question: I have a DUI from San Fernando but was pulled over only for broken light. Is it possible to fight the DUI
Answer: First, it may be possible to fight the initial stop. Which light was out? a tail light? a license plate light? Also, if there was no poor driving, then that is very helpful as well in fighting a DUI case. Call me at 818-336-1DUI to discuss further. I handle DUI cases in San Fernando... Read More
Question: Can I refuse to take a DUI test at the police station? I was pulled over and arrested in Encino (no breath test done), then taken to Van Nuys and asked to do breath test again.
Answer: There is an implied consent in california, that bascially means that if you are arrested for a DUI, then you consent to giving a breath or blood test. A refusal to do so can be added as an “enhancement” to the charges. Technically, you are innocent until proven guilty. The prosecutor tries to use... Read More
Consequences if caught with drugs in Van Nuys, CA?
Question: What are the consequences if my friend was caught with drugs in Van Nuys, CA? He was arrested yesterday and still in custody. I’m not sure if he is going to bail out or not but wants me to help him find an attorney as soon as possible before his bad situation gets worse.... Read More