If you were arrested for a DUI in Encino, CA. DUI case in Van Nuys. Does it help your case to attend AA and DUI classes before you go to court?
Answer: Attending AA classes could be beneficial when negotiating a plea agreement. I would recommend talking to an experienced DUI Attorney about your case in more detail to better assess if attending AA’s will likely be helpful to your case. A safe bet is, I can’t see going to AA classes hurting your case for... Read More
Question: I carpool with a regularly Drunk driver from Encino to Torrance, CA every morning? If he gets a DUI, will I for being a passenger?
Answer: First, for your own safety reasons, I would advise that you do not drive with him. It also sounds like the driver may have a drinking problem that should be addressed before he gets himself in serious trouble, or worse, causes property damage and injury to himself or others. I have personally not seen... Read More
Question: Is a drunk in public (Santa Clarita, CA) a violation of informal probation for 1st DUI in Burbank, CA?
Answer: Generally, the rules of probation are to obey all laws. Burbank Court may decide to hold a separate Probation violation hearing based on this arrest, but they may not catch it. I would recommend having a DUI attorney handle the new matter, and if a probation violation issue comes up, deal with it then... Read More
Question: My first DUI in San Fernando, CA was when I was 17. My records were supposed to be sealed. I got another DUI conviction in Van Nuys, CA 8 months ago (I am 20 now). I need to be able to drive to work to pay for all my court costs. How can I get a restricted license?
Answer: Although the Van Nuys Court likely convicted you of a 1st offense DUI since you were a minor when you received the first one, the DMV will treat it as a second offense. Additionally, since you are under 21, there is a 1 year hard suspension even for a first offense DUI. I don’t... Read More
Question: Can dmv require an IID to reinstate my license when I don't have a car? I was convicted of a 1st DUI in Burbank (didn't hire an attorney). I just got letter from DMV about IID. Apparently Los Angeles requires IID on DUI conviction???
Answer: Yes, there are 4 counties in California (Counties of Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Tulare) that require Interlock devices with a first offense DUI (or any subsequent DUI for that matter). If your conviction was in one of those counties, you will have to get an Interlock device once you get a car, even... Read More
Question: What happens after I complete ALL my conditions for my 1st DUI in Van Nuys, CA? Curious about job implications of DUI conviction.
Answer: Make sure you show the court proof of completion of everything by the due date. The next thing for you to do if you are worried about job issues, you can look into getting an expungement for your DUI. There is some info about expungements on my website. Call me at 818-336-1DUI and I... Read More
Question: Previous DWI in NY. Would a DUI in Airport Court, Los Angeles, California be counted as my second DUI offense?
Answer: First question is, how long ago was your NY DUI/DWI? If it was more than 10 years ago from your more recent DUI arrest in Los Angeles, CA, then it would not. If it is within 10 years then it might. Have your attorney handling your current case contact your prior attorney in NY... Read More