If you were arrested for a DUI in Encino, CA. DUI case in Van Nuys. Does it help your case to attend AA and DUI classes before you go to court?

Answer: Attending AA classes could be beneficial when negotiating a plea agreement. I would recommend talking to an experienced DUI Attorney about your case in more detail to better assess if attending AA’s will likely be helpful to your case. A safe bet is, I can’t see going to AA classes hurting your case for...
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Question: My first DUI in San Fernando, CA was when I was 17. My records were supposed to be sealed. I got another DUI conviction in Van Nuys, CA 8 months ago (I am 20 now). I need to be able to drive to work to pay for all my court costs. How can I get a restricted license?

Answer: Although the Van Nuys Court likely convicted you of a 1st offense DUI since you were a minor when you received the first one, the DMV will treat it as a second offense. Additionally, since you are under 21, there is a 1 year hard suspension even for a first offense DUI. I don’t...
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Question: Can dmv require an IID to reinstate my license when I don't have a car? I was convicted of a 1st DUI in Burbank (didn't hire an attorney). I just got letter from DMV about IID. Apparently Los Angeles requires IID on DUI conviction???

Answer: Yes, there are 4 counties in California (Counties of Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Tulare) that require Interlock devices with a first offense DUI (or any subsequent DUI for that matter). If your conviction was in one of those counties, you will have to get an Interlock device once you get a car, even...
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