How to qualify for a wet and reckless driving charge in San Fernando, CA
Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando, CA but I can not get convicted of a DUI because of my job. I drive for work. How can I qualify for a wet and reckless driving charge in San Fernando, CA instead of a DUI? My blood alcohol level was a .09 BAC. I have never been arrested for anything other than that. No other DUI’s. Just a couple traffic tickets over the past 10 years.
I am not a commercial driver and don’t have a class A or class B driver license, but I do drive a company vehicle and my employer said they will have to let me go if I get a DUI, but not if I get a wet reckless then my job is safe.
Answer: Step 1. You should contact a DUI attorney in San Fernando area to discuss your case in more detail. I can be reached at 818-336-1DUI for a free consultation. I have had success of getting DUI charges dismissed and reduced to lesser offenses (sometimes to non-alcohol related offenses) in cases where there is a .09 BAC (and even in cases with much higher BAC levels).
Once I have more information about your case I can give you a more specific assessment. Do not send more details over the internet though, call me to discuss or to set up a meeting. It is important that you call me sooner than 10 days from the arrest date if possible, this way I can request a DMV hearing for you to avoid a suspension that the dmv will hit you with (aside from the criminal part of the DUI). I can also get you a new temporary license as the one you were given will expire after 30 days from your arrest date.
Phil Hache,
Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney
Handling DUI and Criminal matters throughout Courts in Southern California including San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles and surrounding counties.