Restraining Order against my mother
Question: Would I be able to file a restraining order against my mother?
My mom has physically and emotionally abused me my entire life. I moved out over year ago to get away from her. She hasn’t since physically abused me, but she still attempts to contact me even after I blocked her number. When I talk to her she’s always very aggressive and uses a lot of profanity & says very hurtful things that affect me emotionally. I don’t want her to come near me or talk to me again until she gets counseling and tries to change herself. What should I do?
Answer: I am sorry to hear you are going through this difficult situation with your mother. Yes, it is possible to get a restraining order issued if someone (including your mother) is being verbally abusive/harassing and/or stalking you. Call me at 818-3361384 for a free consultation to discuss your situation and options in more detail.
Sincerely, Philip Hache, Attorney