Over 80 five (5) Star reviews on AVVO (Attorney rating website)
These results do not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case. In some instances, we have been successful in getting cases thrown out or rejected on a pre-filing basis prior to the first court date. Those results are not listed below. Note that the “P.” or “People” at the beginning of most of the case headings stands for “People of the State of California.” That is how essentially all California State criminal case headings start.
(*Partial list; client’s full name’s not used to protect client’s privacy)
Successful Criminal Defense Results
Successful Restraining Order Results
Successful Expungements and Record Clearing
Successful Traffic Ticket Results
P. v. Rachael B. Not Guilty finding and Acquittal of DUI Charges. Client charged with Driving under the influence of Alcohol VC 23152(a) and Driving with a .08 Blood alcohol content or higher VC 23152(b). She originally hired another attorney to handle her case, but then hired me specifically to handle her DUI trial as she was concerned how the conviction may impact her career. This case went to trial and at the conclusion of the third day of Jury Deliberations, the Jury found her Not Guilty of both charges. Complete Acquittal of both charges! (Ventura Court, Ventura County)
NOTE: At the conclusion of the trial the Jury members hung around to talk to me. They informed me that they learned a lot during the trial and they will never blindly trust breath test machine results again knowing all the potential issues that can cause them to give unreliable and inaccurately high readings.
P. v. Sean O. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! Client charged with VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b) DUI charges as well as an extra allegation for having a Blood alcohol content (BAC) level of over .15. Client was in a car accident. Breath test results (Preliminary alcohol screening test result / PAS) were .16 / .17. Breath test results at the station were .17/.17. After detailed investigation of the records and reports and cross examination of the arresting agency, Charges completely dismissed! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Martin G. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! Client charged with VC 23152(a) DUI and VC 23152(b) Driving with a .08 or higher Blood alcohol content level. After several months of discovery and subpoena’s, all charges dismissed prior to trial! (Lancaster Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Laura G. Not Guilty finding and Acquittal of DUI Charges. Client charged with Driving under the influence of Alcohol VC 23152(a) and Driving with a .08 Blood alcohol content or higher VC 23152(b). This case went to trial and at the conclusion, the Jury found her Not Guilty of both charges. Acquittal of both charges! (Ventura Court, Ventura County)
P. v. Javier G. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed!.14/.13 Blood alcohol content level. Client charged with Driving under the influence of Alcohol VC 23152(a) and Driving with a .08 Blood alcohol content or higher VC 23152(b). At the conclusion of the almost two week trial, The Jury came to a Hung jury conclusion (ie. mistrial). The chargers were then immediately and completely dismissed by the Judge! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Yumiko U. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! Charged with VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b) DUI Charges. .15 preliminary alcohol screening test result, .13 blood test result. At suppression motion, I was able to suppress the blood test results and keep those results out of evidence. Initially the D.A. dismissed the VC 23152(b) count, but continued on the VC 23152(a) count. At the next hearing, the D.A. agreed to dismiss the remaining count and the case was completely dismissed!
P. v. Jerome M. Military Diversion Motion granted and completed DUI charges completely dismissed! Client charged with DUI charges VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b). Client served honorably in the United States Marine Corps and fought valiantly in the Vietnam War, suffering from PTSD among other issues as a result of his service. I filed a motion to get client some treatment in exchange for getting the DUI charges dismissed. My client successfully completed the terms of diversion and his DUI charge were dismissed and his arrest record sealed! Completely avoiding any conviction! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Caleb N. Military Diversion Motion granted! Upon completion of Diversion the DUI charges will be dismissed and arrest record sealed completely avoiding any conviction! Client charged with DUI VC 23152(f) involving a car accident. Client served honorably in the United States Marine Corps suffering from PTSD among other issues as a result of his service. I filed a motion to get client some treatment in exchange for getting the DUI charges dismissed. My Motion was granted and the DUI charge will be completely dismissed and his arrest record sealed upon completion of diversion Completely avoiding any conviction! This is the second military diversion motion I was successful in getting granted for this client, getting a prior DUI completely dismissed a year prior to this new DUI case. (Fullerton Court North Justice Center / Orange County)
H. Bawa – DUI with Refusal allegation. Client facing a 1 year driving license suspension with no option to get a restricted license. DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Bradley O. – Involved in a Car accident without Car Insurance. The DMV initiated a Financial Responsibility action against him which causes a minimum one (1) year driver license suspension. After requesting a hearing and prepping my client for his testimony, my client, at the last minute was unable to testify and asked for me to proceed without him. At the hearing the DMV offered evidence which I made objections to that were upheld (meaning documents excluded). The DMV also presented a witness and after cross examination of that witness and argument the hearing officer agreed that the DMV did not establish the evidence to meet their burden to take action against my client’s driver license. DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County; although the hearing itself took place out of the DMV Sacramento Office)
P. v. Simon H. DUI with Refusal allegation. All Charges completely Dismissed! After many months of discovery, filing motions, and negotiating with prosecutor, all charges completely dismissed! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Justin D. Judicial Misdemeanor Diversion Granted, DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! The first of it’s kind granted on a DUI charge in this Court! Client was charged with DUI VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b). I filed a motion for getting the DUI charges dismissed upon completion of some terms without having to enter a guilty or no contest plea. My client completed the terms of the diversion and his DUI charges were dismissed and his arrest record sealed! Completely avoiding any conviction! (Joshua Tree Court)
P. v. Jose B. 2nd Offense DUI (technically his 3rd Offense, but charged as a second offense) with Refusal Allegation, and Hit and Run. DUI and Hit and Run charges dismissed! Resolved the case for a Wet Reckless avoiding jail time, license suspension and IID requirement, all avoided! (West Covina Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. E. Howard. DUI charges. Preliminary alcohol screening test results of .17/.16. Breath test results of .16/.15. After filing motions and argument All Charges completely Dismissed! (Downey Court, Los Angeles County)
People v. Miguel P. 2nd offense DUI, with breath test results of .12/.12 and Preliminary alcohol screening test results of .12/.13. After much back and forth with the District Attorney’s Office and San Bernardino Sheriff’s crime lab I was able to track down records (that established the initial response to a subpoena for records was inaccurately complied with (ie. maintenance records of the breath machine were misleading). End result, DUI charges Dismissed! Negotiated resolution for a what is known as a “terminal disposition” of a Wet Reckless with no penalty (other than the conviction itself). No Jail, No Probation, No Fines, No alcohol program, No driver license suspension, No Interlock Device requirement, No community work, No AA’s. Nothing! (San Bernardino Court)
P. v. Brennan A. DUI and Hit and Run charges. Charged with VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b) DUI charges as well as VC 20002(a) hit and run charge. After detailed investigation of the case, subpoena’ing documents and videos to a couple different arresting agencies involved, and cross examination of witnesses, DUI and Hit and Run charges Dismissed! Case resolved for a VC 23109(c) exhibition of speed. After 1 year we can petition the court to reduce the VC 23109(c) to an infraction followed by a dismissal. (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Ervin B. Client charged with 2nd Offense DUI, Hit and Run, and probation violation from 1st DUI. 2nd offense DUI charge completely Dismissed! Hit and Run charge completely dismissed! No jail or fine on the probation violation. (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Sergio G. 2nd offense DUI with car accident. DUI dismissed, reduced to Dry Reckless (non alcohol, not priorable, no jail time, no license suspension, no Interlock device, significantly lowered fine, etc.) (San Fernando Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Michel P. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Van Nuys Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Michael S. Charged 3rd Offense DUI reduced to a 1st Offense DUI! Initially my client had another attorney which he subsequently replaced when he hired me. The previous attorney had an offer of plea’ing to a 3rd offense DUI with a 120 day jail sentence, among other penalties. The client was adamant of wanting to avoid any Jail time. I was able to work out a resolution with the District Attorney to strike the two prior dui’s and resolve this case for a first offense DUI with NO JAIL TIME! (Van Nuys, CA)
P. v. Brandon S. DUI with Car Accident – DUI dismissed, reduced to Dry Reckless (non alcohol, not priorable, no jail time, no license suspension, no Interlock device, etc.) (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Sandy M. Charged with VC 23152(g) DUI alcohol and drugs, refusal, and PC 148 Obstructing an Officer investigation. After allegedly refusing a breath or blood test following her DUI arrest, the Officer obtained a warrant for a blood draw. After another further struggle in obtaining the blood sample, Sandy was charged not only for DUI but also Refusal to submit to a chemical test and PC 148 for obstructing/delaying an officer investigation. After working the case and negotiating with the district attorney, DUI, Refusal, and PC 148 charges Dismissed! Reduced to a Wet Reckless!
P. v. Brandalyn M. Refusal Charge DISMISSED!, Driving without a license charge DISMISSED!, Driving without Insurance charge DISMISSED! Pled no contest to 23152(a) charge, fine reduced to $90! (Malibu Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Vincent W. 3rd offense DUI (0.26 BAC Level) – DUI charges Dismissed! (Rancho Cucamonga Court, San Bernardino County, CA)
P. v. Gerald S. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to dry reckless, non alcohol related (San Fernando Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Zack B. – .16/.16 PAS test, .14/.14 Breath test results. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to an Exhibition of speed, non alcohol related offense. NO Alcohol class, NO license suspension, NO Interlock Device requirement, NO need for SR 22 insurance. PLUS saved the Client approximately $1,800 in Court related fines and fees.
People of the State of California v. Justin D. – Client was charged with VC 23152(a) driving under the influence of alcohol and VC 23152(b) driving with a .08 or higher Blood alcohol content level. I filed a Judicial diversion motion pursuant to a recently enacted statute PC 1001.95. After filing a 73 page motion with exhibits and a hearing on the matter the diversion was granted. Meaning that the case will be put on hold. If my client completes a few terms for the court and does not pick up new offenses, the case will get dismissed and the arrest record sealed without there ever being a conviction. (Joshua Tree Court, San Bernardino County)
P. v. Caleb M. – DUI Charges, VC 23152(a), VC 23152(b); Both Charges Completely dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Stephen G. – 2nd DUI charges with .13 BAC with aggravating factor of Car Accident. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Z. C. – 2nd DUI with .15 BAC level. DUI Charges Completely Dismissed! (Ventura Court, Ventura County)
P. v. Kailan S. – DUI with .10 BAC and Car accident. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related, not priorable, no interlock device required, no driver license suspension, reduced fines (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Karina R. – DUI with aggravating factor of car accident. DUI charges Dismissed! Reduced to wet reckless. No license suspension, reduced fines, probation reduced, No interlock device required. (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Steve T. – DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Henry B. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Randy S. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. R. Aiello 2nd Offense DUI Charges Dismissed!; aggravating factor of car accident. Reduced to Wet Reckless, No Jail Time! (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Francis D. 2nd Offense DUI Charges Dismissed!; Reduced to Wet Reckless, No Jail Time, No License suspension, No Interlock Device! (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Ervin B. DUI Charges Dismissed!; aggravating factor of car accident. Reduced to Wet Reckless(Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Joseph M. 3rd Offense DUI Charges Dismissed!; Reduced to Wet Reckless, Greatly Reduced penalties! (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Tarek A. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to Dry Reckless, non alcohol related (Long Beach Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Stefan S. DUI Charges Dismissed!; reduced to Dry Reckless, non alcohol related offense. Greatly reduced penalties! (San Fernando Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. William G. DUI Dismissed! Reduced to exhibition of speed, a non-alcohol related offense. Not priorable as a DUI. Greatly reduced penalties, including no alcohol program required and reduced fines!
P. v. Irma R. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to Dry Reckless, non alcohol related (Long Beach Court; Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Alejandro M. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ruben L. 2nd offense DUI (0.13 BAC) – No Jail time! (Fontana Court)
P. V. Tarren R. – Charged with DUI (VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b)), VC 22107 unsafe lane change, VC 22350 speeding, and VC 21658(a) weaving. All charges Dismissed! Reduced to a Wet Reckless. (Torrance Court)
P. v. Joseph P. – Charged with DUI (VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b), Preliminary alcohol screening test result of .15/.15 and a breath test at the station of .12/.12. A DUI conviction would have meant Joseph losing his employment. All charges Dismissed! Reduced to a Wet Reckless!
P. v. Krystal S. Charged with DUI (VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b)). Aggravating factor; Car accident with flipped over car. DUI charges Dismissed! Reduced to a Wet Reckless (Alhambra Court)
P. v. Rito M. 2nd offense DUI with Probation Violation – DUI charges dismissed! Reduced to Wet Reckless. No Jail time! (San Fernando Court)
P. v. Courtney H. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless with Hellmandollar Plea (thus over-riding the DMV suspension based on the APS hearing) (Lancaster, CA)
P. v. Richard M. 0.16 BAC. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (No Interlock Device, No license suspension, Reduced fine, reduced informal probation, reduced alcohol class, etc.) (San Fernando, CA)
P. v. Henok G. (aggravating factor, Car Accident) DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Airport/LAX Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v O.Ortiz. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (San Fernando Court)
P. v. Sara O. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Airport Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v Phillip D. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Compton Court)
P. v. Drew S. (aggravating factors, 0.16 BAC, Car Accident) DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (San Fernando Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Krystal S (aggravating factor; car accident with flipped car over on freeway)DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Alhambra Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P v Jose L. (under 21 DUI charges, speeding enhancement issue for going 30mph+ over speed limit on residential road) – All DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced to Wet Reckless. (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. David V. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jonathan S. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to Dry Reckless, non alcohol related (San Fernando Court, San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Cynthia I. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to 23109(c) exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P.v. Kyle L. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to 23109(c) exhibition of speed, non alcohol related (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Brandon T. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Airport Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Phil K. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Malibu Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. N. Franco. DUI with Refusal enhancement. Was facing potential 1 year hard drivers license suspension among other penalties. DUI charges Dismissed! Refusal enhancement dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Lancaster Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Peter H. DUI with Car accident. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Airport Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Greg B. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Torrance Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v Angelica R. DUI charges dismissed; reduced to wet reckless (Van Nuys Court)
P.v. R. Reynolds. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Deen D. 2nd offense DUI – No Jail time! (Torrance Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Frances T. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Torrance Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Daniel P. DUI charges Dismissed! reduced charge to wet reckless (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. George S. 2nd DUI charge (.22 BAC) , reduced to first offense DUI – No jail time (Torrance Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Anna T. Arrested for DUI; Agreement reached with D.A.’s office to dismiss case prior to charges being filed in exchange for 8 hours of community service. (Beverly Hills Court, Los Angeles County, CA
P. v. Claude S.: DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (San Fernando Court, San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. G. Pena.: .12 Blood test result. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Santa Clarita Court, Santa Clarita, CA)
P. v. Brian M. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Santa Ana Court)
P. v. Anna W. Charged with VC 23152(a) and VC 23152(b) DUI charges as well as VC 20002 Hit and Run. PAS test results of .14/.13. Breath test results of .12/.12. DUI and Hit and Run Charges Dismissed! Resolved case for an exhibition of speed! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Effrain H. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (San Fernando Court, San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Judy N. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (San Fernando Court, San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Bill S. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Long Beach Court, Los Angeles County,CA)
P v. Victor Z. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless Fine reduced to $85! (Whittier Court, Los Angeles County)
P v. Danielle L. 2nd offense DUI – No Jail time! (Chino Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Daniel J. DUI case, Refusal charge Dismissed! (West Covina Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Marvin B. DUI charge Dismissed! Refusal enhancement Dismissed! Speed enhancement Dismissed! Driving without a license charge Dismissed! Reduced to pleaing to just a wet-reckless, no jail, no license suspension, no alcohol program, reduced fines (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P v. Gerardo D. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (San Fernando Court)
P v. Frank B. DUI Charges with Speeding Enhancement requiring a Mandatory 60 days Jail.Speeding Enhancement Dismissed! No Jail time! (Inglewood Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Y. Dorkins – DUI Charges with .14 BAC level, DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Van Nuys, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Farrokh T. DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Airport Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Anthony L. – underage DUI charge; DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless (Malibu Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Thomas A. Charged with DUI, Refusal, +high BAC (over .15 on PAS tests and one breath test at station). Refusal charge dismissed, DUI Charge dismissed and reduced to wet reckless). No license suspension! (Van Nuys Court; Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. S. Song DUI case, Refusal charge Dismissed! (Alhambra Court, Los Angeles County, CA]
P. v. T. Boothe Aggravating factor – .20 BAC level – DUI Charges Dismissed! Reduced charge to wet-reckless; $150 fine (Joshua Tree Court)
(*client’s full name’s not used to protect client’s privacy) (“Set aside” basically is equivalent to “Dismissed” means that the DMV did NOT suspend the license)
Miguel P. – DMV Admin Per Se hearing for 2nd offense DUI, with breath test results of .12/.12 and Preliminary alcohol screening test results of .12/.13. After much back and forth with the DMV and San Bernardino Sheriff’s crime lab I was able to track down records (that established the initial response to a subpoena for records was inaccurately complied with (ie. maintenance records of the breath machine were misleading). End result, Set aside granted, won the hearing! No driver license suspension! (Hearing held at Van Nuys Driver Safety Office, Los Angeles County even though it was a San Bernardino Arrest)
Simon H. – DUI with Refusal allegation. Client facing a 1 year driving license suspension with no option to get a restricted license. DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Alex W. – Medical Condition Hearing. Driver license was suspended indefinitely based on Car accident after falling asleep behind the wheel combined with alleged medical condition issue. After hearing suspension set aside and driver license reinstated! (El Segundo Driver Safety Office, Los Angeles County)
Anna W. – DUI with .14/.13 PAS results, .12/.12 breath. After several hearings, discovery, and witnesses testifying, DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Jon D. DMV. Admin Per Se hearing for DUI. Victory based on discovery non-compliance by DMV after objections were made and motion for set aside granted! (El Segundo DMV)
Chris S. – DUI with Refusal Allegation. After working this case, acquiring video from law enforcement agency, cross examining the arresting officer at the hearing, and making extensive arguments citing case law that supported our position, DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Jay R. – 2nd DUI with .15/.15 breath test results; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Michael A. –Violation of DUI probation, .01 or higher Blood alcohol content level. Client had .08/.07 breath test results (7+ times the legal limit for someone on DUI probation). DMV Suspension set aside! (Fresno County)
Nicole D. – Negligent Operator hearing. Was facing a 6 month suspension for accruing too many DMV points in a 12 month time frame. DMV Suspension set aside! (Orange County)
Alex W. – 2nd offense DUI for DMV admin per se purposes. Was looking at a 1 year hard license suspension. DMV Suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Wilma G. – “Lack of Skill” hearing based on car accident where client drove car through plate glass window and subsequently failed the driver test with DMV. As a result of the DMV hearing, driver license reinstated! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Nati F. – DUI with Refusal; DMV Suspension set aside! (was looking at a 1 year hard license suspension) (San Bernardino DMV, San Bernardino County)
Javier G. – DUI with .14/.13 breath results; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Steven S. – License revoked after Physical/mental hearing at DMV (I did not handle that hearing). I was retained after his license was revoked and appealed that decision. Appeal Granted! Driver License reinstated!
Deven R. – PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION hearing. Client suffered from physical conditions that caused DMV to set hearing for suspension of her driver license indefinitely. We were able to convince the DMV NOT to take any action against her driver license following a hearing. Van Nuys Driver Safety Office, DMV
Seth L. – Attorney Phil Hache hired after client suffered a Driver License Suspension based on a probation violation on a prior Negligent Operator license suspension. Client had a different Law Firm represent him at the Negligent Operator hearing which led to a 6 month driver license suspension with no option to get a restricted license. First, Attorney Phil Hache filed a Writ in Superior Court to essentially appeal the DMV’s ruling suspending clients driver license. Then he filed an Ex Parte motion that was granted allowing client to continue driving while the Writ case was pending. Then Attorney Phil Hache did a motion to withdraw on a previous traffic ticket which caused the probation violation on the negligent operator suspension to begin with. The motion was granted removing the conviction, and the traffic ticket violation was subsequently completely dismissed! Upon negotiation and agreement, the DMV then removed the driver license suspension on this action permanently and issued a DMV suspension set aside!
Marissa R. – DUI with .22/.23 breath results; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Clark W. – DUI with .24/.22 breath results; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Chris F. – DUI with .13/.14 breath results; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Martin G. – DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (San Bernardino DMV)
J. Garcia – 2nd DUI: DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Vincent W – 3rd offense DUI, .26 BAC; DMV suspension set aside!
Charlie C. – DUI with .09/.10 Preliminarly Alcohol test results and .09/.08 Breath test results. DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV)
Angela P. – Under 21 DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (was looking at a 1 year license suspension) (El Segundo DMV)
George S – 2nd offense DUI, .22 BAC; DMV suspension set aside!
Tucker S. – Negligent Operator hearing for too many points. Driver license reinstated! (Van Nuys DMV)
Rich M. – DUI Refusal; DMV suspension set aside! (was looking at a 1 year license suspension) (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Angela f. – underage DUI, potential 1 year hard drivers license suspension; DMV suspension set aside!
Stefan S. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Courtney H. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside after successful DMV appeal! (San Bernardino DMV, San Bernardino County)
Chris O. – 1st offense DUI, .14 BAC; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Brad F. – Drivers License suspension based on accumulating too many DMV Points in a 12 month period. DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
David V. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Henry B. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Terry R. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Kailan S. – DUI with Car accident; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Brad D. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Veronica B. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Kathy M. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Ventura DMV)
William R. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside!
Blade D. – Lost license for 1 year due to underage alcohol related offense; Critical Needs License Granted! Allows Blade to drive to and from Work, for work purposes, to and from school, and to any alcohol classes!
Brian M. – Probation violation DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (Orange County DMV)
Adam R. – Fraud / Use of Fake I.D. to purchase alcohol (potential 1 year Drivers license Revocation); DMV Revocation set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
David C. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside!
Nick G. – 1st offense DUI; DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV)
Jorge V. – 1st offense DUI, .32 BAC, DMV suspension set aside!
Laura G. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside! (Oxnard DMV)
Farrokh T. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV)
Brian M. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside!
Irma R. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside!
Olga V. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside!
Josh R. – 1st offense DUI, .09/.09 BAC results. After several hearings and testimony by experts, including effective cross-examination of the DMV’s expert witness, DMV suspension set aside! No driver license suspension! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Arriana M (under 21) – DMV suspension set aside!
Kevin F. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
Jeff T. – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside! (El Segundo DMV, Los Angeles County)
R. Velasquez – Commercial driver, Driver license suspension based on Negligent Operator; too many DMV points on his record in 12 month period. DMV suspension set aside! (Los Angeles County DMV)
R. Velasquez – Commercial Driver license suspension based on too many “serious infractions” causing a 120 driver license suspension with no option of getting a restricted license. I was retained after the suspension went into effect. Through a long battle including getting courts from other states involved, I was able to correct my clients driver license record, remove the serious infraction issue and remove the commercial driver license suspension from his record so he could begin working again. Commercial Driver License suspension removed and driver license reinstated!
R.Putnam – – 1st offense DUI, DMV suspension set aside! (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Raquel F. – LACK OF SKILL hearing. DMV revoked her driver’s license based on a Lack of Skill issue for failing to pass a driver’s license re-test 3 times. We appealed that decision at a hearing and got the revocation rescinded, and she was given a probationary drivers license in order to practice driving. Raquel took the driving test again and passed, driver’s license reinstated. (Van Nuys DMV, Los Angeles County)
Judith R. – Disputing an alleged At Fault Accident causing Injury. Alleged victim claimed that my client struck her with her vehicle while she was walking across an entrance to a shopping center. We Won! Action against my clients driving record removed!
Desta G.. – NEGLIGENT OPERATOR hearing. Desta had accumulated too many DMV points based on traffic tickets and accidents. The DMV informed him they were suspending his driver license based on too many DMV points in a twelve (12) month time frame. I was able to get his driver’s license reinstated immediately, ultimately avoiding the driver license suspension from occurring. Set Aside Granted!
Amanda L. – NEGLIGENT OPERATOR hearing. Amanda was in involved in four accidents over a short period of time. A hearing was scheduled by DMV for potential driver license suspension based on negligent operator issue. At conclusion of hearing, No action taken against driver’s license, avoiding a drivers license suspension and avoiding a probationary status completely!
Kathy H. – NEGLIGENT OPERATOR hearing. Kathy accumulated 4 DMV points in a 12 month time span based on traffic violations and accidents. This lead to a 6 month driver license suspension. Having her drivers license was vital as she was a sole provider for her family and traveled throughout Los Angeles for work. I was able to get her driver’s license reinstated,and avoiding the driver license suspension from occurring.
Sergio R. – NEGLIGENT OPERATOR hearing. Sergio allegedly fell asleep behind the wheel causing a car accident. The DMV informed him they were suspending his driver license indefinitely. I was able to get his driver’s license reinstated immediately, ultimately avoiding the driver license suspension from occurring as our hearing date was the same date that the driver license suspension was to start. I was able to get an immediate set aside at the conclusion of the hearing!
Alex W. – – PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION hearing. DRIVER LICENSE REINSTATED! SUSPENSION REMOVED! Alex was in a car accident in which she fell asleep prior to the accident occurring. The Officer then informed the DMV of the issue and the DMV suspended her license based on loss of consciousness issue. Alex handled an initial hearing herself and the suspension was upheld. I was then retained and was able to get a new hearing. The result of the hearing I handled was successful, and her driver license was reinstated!
Mohammad A. – PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION hearing. Mohammad suffered a medical condition that caused the DMV to suspend his driver license indefinitely. Mohammad originally tried to resolve this matter himself to try to get his driver license reinstated but was unsuccessful, ultimately causing his driver license to be suspended for almost a year. He then contacted me to try to clear things up and get his license reinstated. I was able to get his driver’s license reinstated!
Ruben K. – NO INSURANCE AT SCENE OF TRAFFIC COLLISION. Client was facing a 1 year driver license suspension. After a few hearing dates, investigation, follow through and convincing, Set aside granted! No driver license suspension!
James V. DRIVER LICENSE REINSTATED! SUSPENSION REMOVED! His driver license was suspended for years based on DMV issues, but he was not able to get a straight answer from the DMV of what was causing the issue, and how to fix it. I was hired to figure out what the problem was, and then see if I could correct the issue. After dealing with the DMV and a few courts I was able to not only figure out the issue, but get it corrected and getting the driver license suspension removed!
A. Garcia. – – PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION hearing. DRIVER LICENSE REINSTATED! SUSPENSION REMOVED! Client was in a car accident in which she fell asleep prior to the accident occurring. The Officer then informed the DMV of the issue and the DMV suspended her license based on loss of consciousness issue. Based on medical issue reports the DMV upheld her suspension at an initial hearing. I was then retained and was able to get a new hearing. The result of the hearing I handled was successful, and her driver license was reinstated!
(*Partial list; client’s full name’s not used to protect client’s privacy)
P. v. Robert. L. – All Charges Completely Dismissed! Was retained to replace a previous attorney on a matter where client was charged with three different misdemeanor offenses: PC 69 threats and violence to deter an arrest, PC 243(b) force and violence on a peace officer, and PC 148(a)(1) resisting arrest. After working the case including witness interviews and civilian video footage, I was able to convince the District Attorney’s Office to offer Diversion which resulted in Getting All Charges dismissed! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
People v. Joseph B. – – All charges and the case Completely DISMISSED! Charged with four separate counts of PC 415(2) disturbing the peace and one count of PC 372 Maintaining public nuisance. My client originally hired a different law firm, but after they were not getting him favorable results on the case, I was hired to replace the other law firm. After filing several motions including motions to dismiss based on varying statutes, motions to compel evidence, and other related motions, the Court dismissed ALL charges! – All charges and the case Completely DISMISSED! (Lancaster Court / Michael D. Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Catherine N. PC 12020 Possession of weapons. -DISMISSED! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Wil H. All Felony Charges dismissed! Client charged with three felony charges of Insurance fraud and related issues under ICS 1871.4(a)(1), PC 664 and 118(a), and PC 550(b)(3). I was able to get all three felony charges dismissed and case resolved for a misdemeanor, no jail time, no fines, 3 year probation. Six months after entering the plea, my motion to terminate probation early was granted and the plea withdrawn and dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4! (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Diego C. H&S 11364 Drug Paraphenalia Charge with warrant for arrest -DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
People v. Theodore B. – All charges and the case Completely DISMISSED! Retained by client for trial post preliminary hearing replacing another attorney. Charges were Felony PC 451(d) Arson, Felony PC 422 criminal threats, Felony PC 646.9(a) stalking, and Felony PC 594(a) vandalism. My client was facing serious potential prison time. End result, all charges completely dismissed! (CCB court in Downtown Los Angeles)
People v. Bernard L. Charged with PC 242 battery. There was video evidence of the incident that incriminated client. After working the case, end result, Charge and case completely dismissed! (Pasadena Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jaclyn G. ..VC 23224 Possession of Alcohol in Vehicle person under 21 years old. Misdemeanor charge. –DISMISSED! (Ventura Court, Ventura County)
P. v. Maia H – PC 459.5: Misdemeanor Shoplifting. Charge Completely Dismissed! (Alhambra Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Ron F. – Arrested for Felony H&S 11351 Possession with Intent to sell Drugs. After extensive work and conversations with the District Attorney’s office on this case, I was successfully able to completely avoid this case from getting filed! Best outcome possible! (Los Angeles County)
P. v. Cade L. H&S 11357(b) Possession of Marijuana, and BP 25662(a) Minor in Possession of Alcohol. -ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Rob C. Charged with PC 311.11 Felony Possession of Child Pornography. Alleged having thousands of illegal pictures and videos (combined). If convicted facing lifetime sex offender registration requirement and potential prison time (up to 3 years). Felony charge dismissed! reduced to misdemeanor. No custody time. No lifetime sex offender registration requirement. (Clara Foltz Criminal Court, Los Angeles Court)
P. v. Randy C. Charged with PUC 3-01, limo driver operating without a proper waybill. Case thrown out pre-filing after an office hearing. No Conviction, avoided charges being filed all together! (Clara Foltz Criminal Court, Los Angeles Court)
P. v. John S: Arrested on Felony PC 273.5 Domestic Violence Offense. After working the case on a pre-filing basis, speaking to the victim, getting statements through an investigator, and corresponding with the arresting agency investigator/detective and the prosecuting agency, I was able to get the case rejected before charges were ever filed. (CCB court, Downtown Los Angeles)
P. v. Charles H.: Arrested on PC 243(e)(1) Domestic Battery. After working the case on a pre-filing basis, speaking to the victim, getting statements through an investigator, and corresponding with the arresting agency investigator/detective and the prosecuting agency, I was able to get the case rejected before charges were ever filed. (Glendale Court)
P. v. J.J.: Charged with three counts of PC 422 criminal threats and one count of PC 242 Battery. Charges DISMISSED! Reduced to a PC 415 which can be reduced to an infraction! (Airport Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Wesley S: Charged with Felony insurance fraud PC 550(a)(4), Felony insurance fraud PC 550(b)(1), PC 148.5(a) falsely reporting crime, VC 20002(a) hit and run, VC 23152(a) DUI. Maximum exposure was 5 years prison per felony charge plus 18 months jail total between the midemeanors. All Felony charges dismissed! DUI Dismissed! NO prison OR jail! Resolved for misdemeanor hit and run, wet reckless, and misdemeanor insurance fraud. (Santa Ana Court, Orange County)
P. v. Doug G.: Arrested for Felony PC 245(a)(4) assault likely to cause great bodily injury. PC 245(a)(4) charge Dismissed! Reduced to simple battery PC 242 as a misdemeanor. No Jail time! (Los Angeles County)
P. v. Joshua M. VC 23109(a) Speed Contest, Misdemeanor and Infraction Speeding VC 22349. Initially client was looking at 3 years probation, $2,000 in fines and fees, 2 points on DMV record, and driver license suspension. After working the case for several months. BOTH CHARGES DISMISSED! Client ended up entering a plea to Tinted windows, a No DMV point non moving violation for a $25 fine! NO misdemeanor, extremely reduced fine, NO DMV points, NO probation, and NO driver license suspension! (North Justice Center, Fullerton, Orange County)
P. v. Alex L. H&S 23222(b) Possession of Marijuana while driving filed as a Misdemeanor. Plus Arrest warrant issued for failure to go to court (prior to retaining me). Once retained, I was able to get arrest warrant removed and the charge completely DISMISSED!
People v. Desiraye C. – Arrested and charged with VC 14601.2 driving on a suspended license as a result of a prior DUI conviction, and driving without a required Interlock Device on her car. I filed a Judicial misdemeanor diversion motion that was granted! The case gets put on hold and upon completion of Diversion the charges and case get completely dismissed and her arrest record gets sealed! (Ventura Court)
P. v. Jacob W. PC 647(f) Under the influence of a drug / Drunk in Public filed as a Misdemanor. Charge completely DISMISSED! (San Bernardino Court, San Bernardino county)
P. v. Enrique W. VC 14601.2, driving on a suspended license plus Probation violation for still being on probation for a DUI conviction (3rd offense). Prior to hiring me Enrique had a public defender and the offer was 180 days jail. After getting retained I was able to secure a deal that leads to a dismissal of the VC 14601.2 suspended license charge, and 8 days of community labor for the probation violation, avoiding jail completely! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Suzanne B. Charged with two misdemeanors VC 20002 Hit and Run and VC 14601.1 driving on a suspended license. Charges dismissed! Resolved case for an infraction VC 12500, NO DMV points, NO misdemeanors, No probation! Just a small fine. (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. David M. PC 496(a) Receiving Stolen Property, and PC 148(a)(1) Resisting Arrest -ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Q. Martin B&P 25662(a) Minor in Possession. (misdemeanor). Case completely dismissed! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA)
People v. Steven S. Charged with Felony 459 Residential Burglary. Resolved case with NO jail, NO community service. If he does not violate probation in three years, then Felony 459 is withdrawn and dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor PC 496 receiving stolen property. (CCB Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Julian S. – Misdemeanor VC 14601.2 Driving on an suspended or outside restricted license based on a DUI conviction -DISMISSED! reduced to an Infraction vc 12500(a) driving without a valid (California) license. NO jail, NO probation, NO Interlock Device requirement, NO DMV license points, NO community service or labor, and greatly reduced fine! –(San Bernardino Court, San Bernardino County)
P v. Catherine R – Arrested for Felony VC 273. 5 Domestic Violence. Was able to get this case thrown out on a pre-filing basis (ie. before the arraignment date) based on investigation and dealing with prosecutor. CASE THROWN OUT PRE-FILING! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Armen T. VC 20001 Hit and Run with Injury, and VC 20002 Hit and run – DISMISSED! Reduced to Infraction VC 21801 failure to yield, and Infraction VC 16025 (non moving, NO DMV point) failure to give information. NO RESTITUTION hearing (ie. no stipulation to fault, or money owed to other party), Plus, NO CONTEST plea means that this matter can not be used against my client in any civil proceeding regarding the accident. (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Ann K. – Arrested for PC 484 Petty Theft. – After discussions and meetings with prosecutors office, successfully got charges dismissed on a pre-filing basis; No conviction and no criminal charges.
P. v. Michael M. Charged with Misdemeanor VC 23109(a) Exhibition of Speed and Infraction VC 22348 (driving 100+ miles per hour). Diversion worked out with Judge leading to DISMISSAL of all charges! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Alex H. Charged with PC 647(f) Drunk in Public. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Mike D. Felony Probation Violation for failure to check in with Probation officer, failure to pay fine, failure to show proof of completion of drug rehabilitation program, and failure to appear in Court; facing possible 2 years of Prison. All charges Dismissed! No Jail time! Probation Reinstated receiving credit for the two years time the Court initially claimed he “deserted probation.” (Van Nuys Court)
People v. Vincente E. : 4 year old Warrant successfully recalled and quashed, Diversion reinstated with no additional penalty! (Airport Court, Los Angeles County)
Description: Client was charged with drug charges H&S 11377(a) and H&S 11364(a). Initially was approved for diversion, successful completion of which would get charges dismissed. Client did not successfully complete diversion and did not go back to court and a bench warrant was issued. Approximately four (4) years later I was retained to deal with the warrant and the case. I was successful in not only getting the warrant recalled and quashed, but also getting the client re-enrolled in the diversion program over the prosecutors argument and objection. Upon a successful completion of the approximately 3 month program and no new offenses the charges in this case will be dismissed!
P. v. R. P., G.B., G.B., J.B., E.B. (multiple defendant case, represented with a conflict waiver): Charged with 8 separate misdemeanor charges for violation of land ordinance municipal codes, including SCMC 17.43.010(26)(e)(2), 17.81.010(A), 17.86.010, 17.51.040(B) (two separate counts for each charge. ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita Court)
P. v. Hannah H. Charged with Felony PC 459 Commercial Burglary and PC 242 Battery on store employee. Reduced the felony PC 459 to a misdemeanor PC 484 Petty theft. No jail time! No community service! 3 years informal probation and a $150 fine. (Ventura Court)
P. v. Jackie A. – Arrested for Felony 273.5 (Domestic Violence) – After discussions and meetings with prosecutors office, successfully got charges dismissed on a pre-filing basis; No conviction and no criminal charges.
P. v. Ryan c. Charged with H&S 11377 (Possession of Meth-possible felony) – Client able to do minimal drug course in exchange for dismissal of Possession of Meth charge upon successful completion of drug course and keeping record clean for 18 months, Possession of paraphanalia (misdemeanor) – Charge Dismissed!, VC 14601 Driving on a suspended license (misdemeanor) Charge Dismissed!, VC 12500 driving without a valid license (misdemeanor) – Reduced to infraction!. In short, should client complete the drug course and not keep record clean for 18 months, at the end of the day, all charges will be dismissed and only conviction will be for an infraction!
P. v. D. Johnson: Arrested for PC 484 Petty Theft. – Case dismissed Pre-filing (ie. was able to resolve the matter without charges ever getting officially filed through dealings with the Prosecution prior to filing). (CCB Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Chalida H. PC 484 Petty Theft Charge -DISMISSED! (LAX; Airport Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jenny J. PC 647(f) Drunk in public. Police report was not great, Client allegedly was getting aggressive and threw a bottle. Charge Dismissed! (Harbor Court, Orange County)
P. v. Edwin K. VC 25662 Minor in Possession – Worked out resolution leading to dismissal of charge! (Pasadena Court)
P. v. Ryan C.: Misdemeanor VC 23222(b) Possession of Marijuana or open container while driving -DISMISSED!(Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. AJ. B. H&S 11351 Possession of Drugs for Sale (10 Grams of Heroin with scales). -DISMISSED! Reduced to H&S 11350 Simple Possession, no jail time(Malibu Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. C.N. PC 12020(a) Possession of illegal instrument or weapon -DISMISSED! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
People v. Miriam Z: Charged with misdemeanor PC 484 Petty theft in Van Nuys Court. Alleged with stealing $383 worth of merchandise from a Major retail chain. Not a U.S. Citizen and had immigration concerns. Was able to resolve her case for an Infraction PC 415, getting the misdemeanor PC 484 petty theft charge completely dismissed. No probation!
P. v. Judy N. PC 484 Petty Theft Misdemeanor Charge -DISMISSED! Reduced to Infraction PC 602 Trespass (San Fernando Court, Los Angeles County)
P v. Ryan C. Probation violation for not completing any of the required Community Labor, several failure to appears, bail jumping, warrant for arrest with bail set at $50,000. -Probation Reinstated! Warrant recalled! No jail time!
P. v. Merone M. Probation Violation issue on a DUI for not submitting proof of completion of programs and fines to the – court on time (missed due date by 2 years). Two years after probation violation issued by Court, I went back to court and was able to get Probation reinstated without penalty. Probation was terminated 5 days later (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Joseph S. Probation violation for failure to pay fine (twice), failure to appear, warrant for arrest – Warrant Recalled, Probation reinstated then TERMINATED! No Penalty! (Alhambra Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Michael H. BP 25662 Minor in Possession of alcohol (potential 1 year license suspension) -DISMISSED! (West Los Angeles Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Priscilla D. Charged with municipal code violations for dog off leash and failure to give rabies shots to dog. –Both Charges Dismissed (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Stephen P. – Possession of Marijuana while driving -DISMISSED! (Pasadena Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. G.A. – Probation violation and second offense for Driving on a suspended license VC 14601, -DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Chi Z. – Misdemeanor VC 14601 Driving on an (out of state) suspended license -DISMISSED!, VC 12500(a) driving without a valid (California) license -REDUCED TO INFRACTION! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Marie B. Charged with VC 12500 driving without a valid license, VC 4000 no registration. Both charges DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jasmin G. Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 driving on a suspended license and $35,000 bench warrant for arrest issued. -Bench warrant quashed. Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 DISMISSED! REDUCED TO INFRACTION V12500(a) driving without a valid license ($50 fine plus p.a.) –(Downey Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Zach – Petty theft; misdemeanor charge – -REDUCED TO INFRACTION! (Central Arraignments Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Candice B. – Probation violation from DUI conviction for failure to complete alcohol class and failure to appear at Court date, bench warrant issued. Bench warrant recalled and quashed, Probation reinstated (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Preston B. Probation violation for failure to enroll in and complete drug classes. Probation reinstated (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P.v. Dawni S. – Probation violations from DUI conviction including failure to complete 6 month Alcohol class and failure to do 15 days of caltrans, Bench Warrant issued – -Bench warrant recalled and quashed, charges DISMISSED! with payment of small fine (Malibu Court, Los Angeles County)
*Note, often times I am able to get restraining order matters resolved favorably for my client prior to the hearing taking place with a negotiated agreement between the parties involved. In cases that have proceeded to hearing I have been extremely successful winning my client’s case. A few examples are listed below.
*Note 2: Dismissed with prejudice = Petitioner cannot refile to get a restraining order based on alleged issues that occurred prior to this ruling
David F. v. Keith G.: Elder Abuse Restraining Order that my elderly client filed against his roommate who he was renting a room to. The opposing party was harassing, bullying, intimidating, etc. my client, making him feel like an unsafe prisoner in his own home. After the trial on the matter the Judge agreed with us. We won! Restraining order and Move Out order Granted! (Van Nuys, CA)
Petitioner v. Donald N.: Civil Harassment Restraining Order filed against my client. After preparing a response to the Judge to dispute the restraining order request and arguing at the hearing that the Petitioner’s claims did not amount to a restraining order being issued per statute and case law, the Judge agreed. We won! Restraining Order dismissed with Prejudice!!! (Lancaster, CA)
Petitioner v. Vanessa C.: Civil Harassment Restraining Order filed against my client. After preparing a response to the Judge, subpoenaing several witnesses and preparing my client to dispute the restraining order request the Judge agreed and dismissed the case. I successfully argued at the hearing that the Petitioner’s claims did not meet the requirements for issuance of a restraining order being per statute, case law, and factually. The Judge agreed and dismissed the case. We won! Restraining Order dismissed with Prejudice!!! (Stanley Mosk Court, Los Angeles, CA)
Petitioner v. David W.: Petitioner was awarded a temporary Domestic Violence Restraining Order against my client (prior to my involvement in this matter) and there was a hearing set for a permanent restraining order. After being retained by my client I was successful in getting transcripts from prior cases involving the parties and impeaching the credibility of the Petitioner and witnesses. Ultimately Petitioner’s witnesses benefited our defense. Not only was I successful in getting the Restraining Order completely dismissed, our defense was so strong that the Judge awarded attorney fee’s, meaning that the Petitioner was ordered to reimburse my client for attorney fees paid. We won! Restraining Order dismissed with Prejudice! Attorney Fees awarded in favor of my client!!
Petitioner v. Kim A. : A Temporary Restraining Order was issued against my client by her former girlfriend alleging that she assisted in beating her up. Petitioner also filed for a restraining order against a 3rd party, with the hearings for permanent restraining orders set for the same date. My client was a teacher and extremely concerned that a permanent restraining would negatively impact her job.
Upon deep review in preparing to impeach the Petitioner’s statements and show the Judge they were lies and exaggerations, we not only showed the Judge video of Petitioner’s aggressive behavior, but also an old clip where my client and Petitioner were on the television show “Judge Judy” which the Petitioner denied, then changed her story after playing the video clip for the Court. Not only did the Judge dismiss the Restraining Order against my client with prejudice, the other party that had an issue with petitioner also benefitted indirectly by my defense as the Judge immediately dismissed the restraining order matter against her as well based on how I was successful in establishing that the Petitioner’s statements were not true and untrustworthy. We Won! Restraining Order Dismissed with Prejudice! (Lancaster, CA)
Petitioner v. Stephanie R.: A temporary Domestic Violence restraining order was issued (prior to retaining me) following a soured relationship and breakup. After extensive work done, including negotiations with the other party and his attorney at the trial for a permanent restraining order, a favorable resolution was reached and the Restraining Order dismissed! We won!(Van Nuys, CA).
The below results listed under this heading were cases that were dismissed post sentencing. For example, someone was convicted and placed on probation. Once probation was completed I filed a petition on their behalf to get the conviction dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4 (ie. expunged)
People v. Nati F. Convicted of a DUI, misdemeanor VC 23152 in Mojave Court. Judge and Prosecutor both complimented me on the work I did on this case and said they are not used to seeing such a complete and thorough work on these petitions. Conviction dismissed per PC 1203.4! (Mojave Court, Kern County)
People v. Nati F. Convicted of a misdemeanor driving without a valid driver license, VC 12500 in Mojave Court. The Judge granted the reduction of the conviction from a misdemeanor to an infraction and then granted the dismissal of the conviction. Judge and Prosecutor both complimented me on the work I did on this case and said they are not used to seeing such a complete and thorough work on these petitions. The paperwork was subsequently improperly processed by the Court. It noted the dismissal, but not the reduction to the infraction. After some back and forth with the Court they acknowledged their error, corrected the paperwork and processing, and all ended well! Conviction reduced to an infraction and then dismissed per PC 1203.4! (Mojave Court, Kern County)
People v. Nati F. Convicted of a misdemeanor VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless in Lancaster Court. Conviction dismissed per PC 1203.4! (Michael D. Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Holly S: VC 23152(b) DUI in Airport Court, Los Angeles County. CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Alitzah Luna: VC 23152b DUI in Ventura Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. Andrew M.: VC 23152(b) DUI in Van Nuys Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. D. Smile. VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless, San Fernando Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Wil H. PC 550(b)(3) Insurance Fraud. Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Larry H. Retained for a 1203.4 post-conviction dismissal (often referred to as an expungement) on a formal probation case following a PC 243(e)(1) Domestic Battery conviction. The case was transferred from another County to Los Angeles County. After two days in Court on the matter, the Judge agreed with me and dismissed the conviction per PC 1203.4. CONVICTION DISMISSED! (Clara Short Fitzgerald Court (CCB)
P. v. Erick A. VC 23103 per 23103.5 (Wet Reckless), Conviction Dismissed! (San Fernando Court)
P v. L. Bucio, PC 12020, Selling or Owning Dangerous Weapons. Conviction Dismissed! (San Fernando Court)
P. v. Veera G.: VC 23152(b) DUI, Ventura Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Joe E.: Misdemeanor PC 415(2) Disturbing the Peace. First, reduced misdemeanor conviction to an Infraction pursuant to PC 17(D), then got the conviction dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4! (Burbank Court)
P. v. Daniel S.: VC 23152(b) second offense DUI, Conviction Dismissed! (Burbank Court)
P. v. Daniel S.: VC 23152(b) DUI, Conviction Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P v. Husein H: VC 23103 per PC 23103.5 Misdemeanor Wet Reckless First, reduced misdemeanor conviction to an Infraction pursuant to PC 17(D), then got the conviction dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4! (Van Nuys Court)
P v. L. Bucio, PC 369(A), Conviction Dismissed! (San Fernando Court)
P. v. L. Bucio, PC 647a (Lewd Conduct in Public). Conviction Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Austin D. – First offense DUI, VC 23152, Central Court, Santa Ana, Orange County CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Austin D – Second offense DUI, VC 23152, Harbor Court, Orange County CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Austin D. – Driving on a suspended license, VC 14601.2, Harbor Court, Orange County CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Malhar G.: VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless, Van Nuys Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Lina H.: H&S 11378 Possession for Sale of Meth, a felony (CCB Court, Los Angeles County) CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Lina H.: H&S 11379 Transportation for Sale of Meth, a felony (CCB Court, Los Angeles County) CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Lina H.: PC 182 Conspiracy, a felony (CCB Court, Los Angeles County) CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Shannon A.: PC 484, PC 490.2 Petty Theft with a prior, Van Nuys Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Andrew M: VC 23152(b) DUI, Van Nuys Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Kyle H. Convicted of a misdemeanor VC 2800.1 with a three (3) year probation period. First, I was successful in getting probation terminated early. Then I successfully petitioned the court for a PC 1203.4 dismissal of the conviction. CONVICTION DISMISSED! (Airport Court)
People v. Drew S.: VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless, San Fernando Court, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P v. L. Bucio, PC 10851A (Joyriding), Felony. First, reduced the Felony to a Misdemeanor, then Conviction Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Jeremy P: VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Chris B: PC 602(k) Trespassing (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Heaven S.: VC 23152(b) DUI (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Sharon R: VC 23152(b) DUI (Inglewood Court, CA)– CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Antonio M: PC 417(a)(1) Brandishing a weapon. There was heavy objection by the district attorney and matter went three hearings. (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center (CCB Court), Los Angeles County)- Ultimately, CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. Sean C.: 2nd offense DUI, VC 23152(b) (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Maria M. convicted of a Wet Reckless VC 23103 per 23103.5 (Lancaster Court, Los Angeles County) – – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Benjamin B: Still on probation for 2nd offense VC 23152(b) DUI (Torrance Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Michael G: VC 23152(b) with car accident and high BAC. (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Michel P: VC 23109(c) Exhibition of Speed (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P v. Shan U. VC 23152(b) DUI (Newport Beach Court, CA, Orange County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Naveen G: Still on probation for 1st offense VC 23152(b) DUI (Ventura Court, CA, Ventura County) – MOTION FOR TERMINATION OF PROBATION GRANTED! FOLLOWED BY DISMISSAL OF CONVICTION!
P. v. Brian M: 2nd offense VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) –CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Krista C: VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Leonardo B. PC 10851(A) taking vehicle without consent of owner. (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Leonardo B. PC 369(a) (San Fernando Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Leonardo B. PC 12020 (San Fernando Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Leonardo B. PC 647(a) Lewd conduct in public- (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Suzanne H: VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Brennan P: PC 273.6(a) Violating Protective Order (Ventura Court, Ventura County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Brennan P: VC 2800.2 Evading (Ventura Court, Ventura County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Mourad C: VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Michelle B: Petty Theft PC 484 conviction with a probation violation issue. (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Michelle B: Petty Theft with a prior, PC 459 conviction. (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Larry S.: VC 23152(b) DUI (Metropolitan Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Lance T.: Petty Theft PC 484 (Pasadena Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Rito M.: 1st DUI VC 23152 (with probation violation issue) (Pasadena Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Rito M.: 2nd DUI VC 23152 (Santa Clarita, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Rito M.: Wet Reckless (with Probation violation issue) (San Fernando, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Brandon T.: Wet Reckless CONVICTION DISMISSED! (Airport Court, Los Angeles)
P. v. Natalie A: DUI VC 23152 (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Kathryn H.: DUI VC 23152 (Metropolitan Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Ankit R.: VC 23152(b) DUI (Metropolitan Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Thomas M.: VC 23152(b) DUI (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Daniel P. VC 23103 per 23103.5, Wet Reckless. (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Ryan C.:H&S 11377, Possession of drugs conviction (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Antonio M.: PC 417(A)(1) Brandishing a loaded weapon. Petition granted after two hearings and objections by District Attorney. (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, CCB, Los Angeles County)– CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Karina R.: VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless conviction. (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Ryan C.: VC 12500 Driving without a License conviction, several violations of probation issues with bench warrants for arrest issued on multiple occasssions during the probation period. (East Los Angeles Court, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Mike D.: Felony conviction Marijuana possession with Intent to Sell PC 11359 (Van Nuys Court, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. K. Venkat: VC 23103 per VC 23103.5 Wet Reckless condition (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. V. Sharece D.: PC 484 Petty Theft (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Kundan P: VC 23103 per VC 23103.5 Wet Reckless condition (Fullerton Court / North Justice Center, Orange County, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Brian M: VC 23152(b) DUI with probation violation (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA) –CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Jesus V. : PC 242 Battery (Downey Court, Los Angeles, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
P. v. Jesus V. : VC 23152(b) DUI (Bellflower Court, Los Angeles, CA) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
(*For Defendants Convicted Of Felony And Sentenced To Prison)
P. v. H. Brown. Convicted of PC 10581 grand theft auto with subsequent probation violation. Sentenced to 4 years prison. Certificate of Rehabilitation granted! (Los Angeles Superior Court, CCB)
P. v. Bernard L. Convicted of PC 182(A)(1) conspiracy to commit fraud. Sentenced to 3 years prison. Certificate of Rehabilitation granted! (Los Angeles Superior Court, CCB)
Allows probation to end early to move forward with dismissal of conviction
P. v. Sean C.: 2nd DUI with 4 year probation. Probation terminated early allowing client to keep his job! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Wil H.: PC 550(b)(3) Insurance Fraud conviction with 3 years probation. Successfully terminated probation after only 6 months after the conviction! (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, Los Angeles County)
People v. Kyle H. Convicted of a misdemeanor VC 2800.1 with a three (3) year probation period. First, I was successful in getting probation terminated early after 1 year of probation successfully completed. Then I successfully petitioned the court for a PC 1203.4 dismissal of the conviction. (Airport Court)
P. v. Janet D.: 2nd DUI with 5 year probation. Probation terminated early allowing her to move forward with professional licensing application! (Westminster Court, Orange County)
P v. Rob C.: PC 311.11 (possession of child pornography) conviction with 3 year probation period. Probation terminated early after only 1 year and 2 months served! (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, CCB, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Veera G: 1st DUI with 3 year probation. Probation terminated early allowing client to keep his job and travel abroad, plus helpful for his Visa! (Westminster Court, Orange County)
P. v. Eric A: Wet Reckless conviction with 3 year probation period. Motion filed to terminate probation after 1 year of completed probation based on change in law on Jan. 1, 2021. Probation terminated early! (San Fernando Court)
P. v. Benjamin B: Still on probation for 2nd offense VC 23152(b) DUI (Torrance Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – MOTION FOR TERMINATION OF PROBATION GRANTED!
P. v. M. Jimenez: Was on probation for a DUI in Ventura County. Needed to re-apply for a work visa and was trying to get a promotion. The ultimate goal was to get the case dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4, but that could not be done until probation was terminated, and she had one more year to go on probation. I filed a motion to terminate probation early which was granted by the Judge after a hearing on the matter. – MOTION FOR TERMINATION OF PROBATION GRANTED! (Ventura Court)
P. v. Juan M: Convicted of a PC 496 receiving stolen property, still on probation. Was in the country based on temporary protective status and was in jeopardy of losing his status. Successfully got his felony reduced to a misdemeanor just in time for him to appeal an adverse decision in immigration court. – Felony successfully reduced to a misdmeanor!
P. v. T. Patel: On felony probation for Felony VC 23152(a) DUI and VC 23152(b) driving with a .08 or higher BAC, with 3 prior DUI’s. Felony Probation and having a felony conviction on his record was causing employment and travel complications. I Successfully got his felony conviction reduced to a misdemeanor and his formal probation changed to informal probation. – Felony successfully reduced to a misdemeanor!
P. v. Leonardo B. Felony PC 10851(a) taking a car without owner consent (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County) –– Felony successfully reduced to a misdemeanor! (and then petition to dismiss conviction granted).
P. v. Leonardo B. PC 12020 (San Fernando Court, CA, Los Angeles County) – CONVICTION DISMISSED!
People v. Joseph E. PC 415(2), disturbing the peace– Misdemeanor successfully reduced to infraction (then subsequently dismissed!) (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County).
People v. Helia J. PC 602(O) Trespassing, Misdemeanor successfully reduced to infraction (then subsequently dismissed!) (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County)
People v. Huseinn H. VC 23103 per 23103.5 Wet Reckless, Misdemeanor successfully reduced to infraction (then subsequently dismissed!) (Van Nuys Court, CA, Los Angeles County)
People v. Nati F. Misdemeanor VC 12500a driving without a valid license successfully reduced to an infraction (then subsequently dismissed!) (Mojave Court)
P. v. Sean L.: H&S 11359 and H&S 11360 – Sales of Marijuana and Transportation of Marijuana. At the time of filing motion to reduce to misdemeanors pursuant to Prop 64, client was still on active formal probation. Motion Granted! Convictions reduced to misdemeanors for all purposes, formal probation replaced by informal probation. (Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, CCB, Los Angeles County)
Stephen A. June 2022. Arrested for Felony PC 212.5(c) first degree Robbery. Petition to seal the arrest granted per PC 851.91
P. v. Marbella E. Convicted of H&S 11360(a) selling, furnishing, or transporting marijuana. I was hired years later after she was convicted. Petitioned the Court to withdraw her Guilty plea to remove the conviction from her record as if it never occurred. This is different than a post conviction dismissal by PC 1203.4 (ie. expungement), and more beneficial. Plea successfully withdrawn!
P. v. Robert G. Convicted of PC 288a felony, a tier 2, minimum 20 year sex registration requirement. Successful in terminating sex offender registration requirement. (CCB court, Los Angeles County)
(*Partial list; client’s full name’s not used to protect client’s privacy)
P. v. Alejandra G. Charged with driving over 100mph. Ticket Completely Dismissed at Trial! (West Covina Court, Los Angeles County)
P. V. Sebastian M. Charged with VC 22348(b) driving over 100mph per hour (alleged 114mph). Ticket Completely Dismissed at Trial! (Santa Barbara Court)
P. v. Reem A.: VC 12500 driving without a license, and VC 24250 driving without lights on at night. ALL Charges DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Lori G.: Misdemeanor VC 12500 driving without a license. Charge DISMISSED! (Burbank Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. C. Gerstner. Charged with Possession of marijuana by driver (VC 23222(b)(1), Speeding (VC 22349a) and No valid license in possession (VC 12951). All charges dismissed at trial! (Ventura County)
P. v. David M.: VC 12500 driving without a license, VC 16028 No insurance, PC 4000 no registration, PC 5200 no license plate. ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Beverly Hills Court)
P. v. Richard G.: VC 22350 speeding. Assisted client with a trial by declaration. Charge completely dismissed! (Santa Monica Court)
P. v. Bill B. VC 22450 failing to stop at a stop sign. Filed a trial by declaration and won. Case dismissed! Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA
P. v. Chris K: VC 22350 speeding (60+ mph in a 45 mph zone). Handled case by trial by declaration. Charge completely dismissed! (Ventura Court)
P. v. Francis D. : VC 12500 driving without a license and speeding ticket. VC 12500 no license Charge DISMISSED! (Harbor Court, Orange County)
P. v. Chase G: VC 12500 driving without a license, VC 22100.5 Illegal U-turn, VC 4000(a)(1) No registration. ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! No DMV points, Saved client well over $1000! (West Covina, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Chase G: VC 24252(A) non-working lights, VC 4000(a)(1) No Registration, VC 40509.5 Failure to Appear. ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Brendan M.: VC 22450(a) failure to stop at a stop sign. Filed a trial by declaration and won! Charge completely dismissed! (Beverly Hills Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. C. Morris. Red light camera ticket. Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Rick F.: Charged with VC 27150, excessively loud muffler. Got the charge completely dismissed after filing a trial by declaration! (Beverly Hills Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Adam C. Charged with VC 16028 no insurance, VC 4000(a) expired registration, and VC 5200(a) license plate issue. ALL CHARGES DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Chase G: VC 22102 Illegal U-Turn in a business district. CHARGE DISMISSED! (Glendale Court, Los Angeles County
P. v. Y. Zhang: Misdemeanor VC 12500 driving without a license. Arrest warrant issued for missing his court date (client hired me after the warrant was already issued). Warrant recalled, and Charge DISMISSED!
P. v. Michelle S.: Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 (with Priors) Driving on a suspended license, -DISMISSED! and reduced to infraction VC 12500(a) – no jail, no probation, no points on DMV record!) (Airport / LAX Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Karen C: VC 12500 driving without a license, cell phone ticket, and failure to appear. ALL Charges DISMISSED! (reversing a previous trial ruling against her in “trial by abstentia” in which the Court moved forward with a trial (in this case, in error) without the defendant present) (Santa Monica Court)
P. v. Wil B.: VC 22350 speeding, 61mph in a 45mph zone alleged. Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Marie B. VC 12500 driving without a license, PC 4000 Expired registration. ALL Charges completely DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Steve I.: Warrant, Misdemeanor VC 12500 driving without a license, Infraction VC 26708(a)(1). Warrant recalled and quashed. ALL Charges completely DISMISSED!(Airport Court /LAX, Los Angeles County)
P. v. M. G.: VC 22450 Failure to stop at stop sign. Charge completely Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
People v. Shane M.: Charged with VC 14601.1 Driving on a suspended license (a 2 point DMV violation), VC 27150, excessively loud muffler, and Failure to appear causing a hold on his license. After successfully clearing the license hold so Shane could continue driving (legally), I was able to get All Charges Dismissed at trial! (Santa Monica Court, Los Angeles, CA)
People v. Keaton O: VC 12591 driving without a license, and VC 40509 failure to appear. Both Charges completely Dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. M. G.: Prior to hiring the Law Office of Philip D. Hache, client was convicted of VC 21657 driving on the wrong side of the road resulting in a DMV point on his record. As a result of this conviction the DMV suspended his drivers license for Negligent Operator (getting 4 DMV points in a 12 month span, technically client had 5 points in 12 month span. Attorney Phil Hache was able to get 2 tickets dismissed). Attorney Phil Hache successfully got a Motion to withdraw the conviction granted and was able to put the case back on calendar and set for trial. At trial, Charge Completely Dismissed! Subsequently, Attorney Phil Hache was able to get the Negligent Operator suspension reversed, No Driver License Suspension! (Beverly Hills & Santa Monica Court for traffic ticket, Van Nuys DMV for Negligent Operator suspension reversal)
P. v. Robert F. VC 4000(a) no registration, and two failure to appears VC 40508 (including one failure to appear at trial) causing hold on his driver’s license. Hold on driver license cleared! No registration, Dismissed! Failure to appear, Dismissed! 2nd failure to appear, reduced to a $10 fine plus penalty assessment. Saved client a lot of money!!! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Remberto V. : Commercial driver with Class A driver license charged with VC 22406(A) speeding in a commercial vehicle (69mph in a 55mph zone). Would have been a DMV point on his driving record causing increased insurance premium and possible other complications with his commercial driver license. Charge dismissed! Resolved case for a non-DMV point violation. (Downey Court)
P. v. Spence B. VC 22407 speeding in a commercial vehicle (DMV point). Charge Dismissed! Reduced to a non-DMV point violation with reduced fine! (Lamont Court, Kern County)
P. v. Colin M. VC 22406 speeding in a commercial vehicle (DMV point). Charge Dismissed! Reduced to a non-DMV point violation with reduced fine! (Mojave Court, Kern County)
P. v. Callison M. Red Light Camera ticket. Charge completely dismissed! (Van Nuys Court)P. v. Maria R. Charged with failing to stop at a red light. Charge completely Dismissed at Trial! (Santa Monica Court)
P. v. Robert F. VC 16028(c) No insurance at traffic collision, and VC 40508 failure to appear. Penalty if convicted includes a one (1) year driver license suspension and large fines totaling over $1,200. All charges dismissed! No license suspension! Saved client over $1,000 in court fines and fees! (Inglewood Court)
P. v. Y. Chen: VC 22349 speeding. Driving 95 mph in a 65 mph zone. Charge completely DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Matthew B.: VC 22350 speeding. Cited for driving 62 mph in a 30 mph zone. Charge completely DISMISSED! (Santa Monica Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Ivan M.: VC 22348, Driving over 100 mph (alleged 112 mph), would be 2 points on DMV record, possible fine up to almost $2,500 including penalty assessment, and possible 30 day driver license suspension if convicted – Charge completely DISMISSED! (Oxnard Court, Ventura County)
P. v. Brandon B. VC 22350 speeding – Charge completely DISMISSED! (Oxnard Court, Ventura County)
P. v. Eric B. VC 22348, Driving over 100 mph (alleged 119 mph), would be 2 points on DMV record, possible fine up to almost $2,500 including penalty assessment, and possible 30 day driver license suspension if convicted – Charge completely DISMISSED! (Fontana Court /San Bernardino County)
People v. Teresita A. Charged with Driving without a license (VC 12500), no insurance (VC 16028), no registration (VC 4000a). All three charges dismissed!
P v. Sean M: Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 Driving on a suspended license, -DISMISSED! and reduced to infraction VC 12500(a) – no jail, no probation, no points on DMV record!) (Torrance, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Jair G..: Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 Driving on a suspended license, -DISMISSED! and reduced to infraction VC 12500(a) – no jail, no probation, no money owed to court, no points on DMV record!) (San Fernando Court, Los Angeles, CA)
– If convicted as charged, the client in that case would have been looking at statutorily required jail time, and heavy fines ($500-2,000 plus penalty assessment which would increase the fine amount by approximately 4-5 times). Further, the conviction would have lead to two (2) DMV points on her drivers license resulting in potential monthly insurance premium increases, and potential future issues with negligent operator drivers license suspension (ie. 4 DMV points in a 12 month period, etc..).
P v. Edward Z., VC 16028 No insurance, VC 4000(a)(1) No registration, and failure to appear causing hold on drivers license. His fee owed to Court prior to hiring me was $1,905. All Charge DISMISSED! NO FINES OR COURT FEES! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Nati F. VC 22350, Speeding 70mph in a 55mph zone. Charge DISMISSED! (Lancaster, CA, Antelope Valley Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Patrick M. VC 22349, Speeding, and VC 40508 failure to appear. Both Charges DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita, CA, Antelope Valley Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. M Genson. VC 22350, Speeding, Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Richard B (VC 22454, passing/obstructing a school bus letting off children). Charge DISMISSED! (Lancaster, CA, Antelope Valley Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Richard P. VC 4000a no registration and failure to appear. Charges Dismissed! (Torrance Court, CA)
P. v. Nati F. VC 21461 Disobeying a traffic signal or sign. Charge DISMISSED! (West Covina, CA; Los Angeles County)
P. v. K. Reza. Driving without a Valid driver license, and texting VC 23123.5. Charges DISMISSED! (Downey Court)
P. v. Ian L. Red light camera ticket. Charge Dismissed! (Santa Monica Court)
P. v. K. Reza. VC 14601.1 Driving on a suspended license (would be a 2 point DMV penalty and very large fines, as well as a priorable offense). Charge dismissed! (North Justice Center (Fullerton Court), Orange County).
P. v. Olga C. VC 22349 Speeding over 65 mph. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Sean H. VC 22349 Speeding over 65 mph. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Louis B. VC 22406 (commercial truck driver, exceeding truck speed). If convicted, the DMV points associated with the conviction would have caused additional issues for him as a commercial driver. Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. John J. VC 22349 Speeding over 65 mph. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Edward Z. VC 22350 speeding, and failure to appear. Charges DISMISSED! No fees, No DMV point, No increased insurance premiums! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Jamie C. VC 22349 Speeding over 65 mph. Charge DISMISSED! (El Monte Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. J. Gazca. VC 22102 Illegal u-turn in business district. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court)
P. v. Russell F. VC 22101 Disobeying posted sign / right turn only. Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Monica Court)
P. v. Thomas R.. VC 22348 Speeding over 100 mph (would be a 2 point DMV penalty and very large fines). Charge DISMISSED, reduced to VC 22349 (speeding over 65 mph, a 1 point violation, fines reduced drastically)(Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Charles C. VC 22348(c) – Commercial driver traveling in wrong lane. Prior to hiring Attorney Phil Hache, Charles just paid the ticket without fighting it. A notice from the DMV for negligent opertator driver license suspension soon followed for accumulating too many DMV points. As a commercial driver, this was a financially devastating to Charles. After contacting me, I was able to withdraw the conviction and set for a trial date, ultimately leading to a Complete Dismissal of the Charge! Thus, the previously attached DMV point associated with this matter was removed from his DMV record! (North Justice Center, Fullerton, Orange County)
P. v. Robert J. VC 22450(a) Failure to stop at Stop Sign. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Danielle R. VC 21461(a) failure to obey traffic sign. If convicted, client would have been facing driver license suspension based on negligent operator issue. Charge DISMISSED! NO DMV point! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Victor B. VC 21453(a). Red light camera ticket. The evidence showed that it was Victor driving and he clearly ran the red light, but still got the Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Monica Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Mark W. VC 22350, speeding 61 in a 35mph zone. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Avery S. VC 22350, speeding 51 in a 35mph zone. Charge DISMISSED after Trial by Declaration! (Beverly Hills, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Mark W (2nd case). VC 22350, speeding 60 in a 40mph zone. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. J. Hartson VC 22107, Unsafe lane change. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth, CA, Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Elizabeth R, VC 23123.5 Texting Ticket. Client was adamant that she was not texting. At trial, officer was not willing to negotiate so we went to trial, with successful results! Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Damaris F. VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Kevin S. VC 22101, Illegal turn at an Intersection, and VC 40508, Failure to appear. $941 potential fine and fees. All Charge DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Eric S. VC 4000(a) expired registration, VC 16028(a) no proof of insurance and VC 40508 failure to appear. Well over $1,000 in potential fines and fees. All Charge DISMISSED! (Beverly Hills Court)
P. V. Kevin S. (second case) VC 24400 No front driver head lamp, VC 16028 No insurance, and VC 40508, Failure to appear. $1,746 potential fine and fees. All Charge DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Vicente T. VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Edder R. VC 4000 no registration, failure to appear, driver’s license hold/suspension. All charges, driver license holds and fees DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Jeffrey S VC 21651(a), Crossing Divided highway, and VC 40508, Failure to appear. Charges DISMISSED! Client was initially looking at a total fine of $919, plus a DMV point that would likely increase his insurance premium substantially. All charges dismissed at trial! No fines, no DMV points, no need for traffic school! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Anglina V. (1st case) VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Anglina V. (2nd case) VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jon V.: VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Van Nuys, CA, Los Angeles County)
P. v. B.H. Inc (1st case) VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, CA, Los Angeles County): (2nd case) VC 21453(a), Red Light Camera Ticket. Charge DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, CA, Los Angeles County). Saved client approximately $1,500 in court fines and fees between the two ticket
P. v. Yaron I. VC 22349(b) speeding. 89mph in a 55mph zone. Charge DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court)
P. v. Malhar G. VC 21657,driving one way down a one way street. Charge DISMISSED! (Santa Monica Court). Client had accumulated 5 DMV points in 12 months leading to a negligent operator driver license suspension issue. He had paid this ticket several months earlier without appearing at court. I was able to withdraw his plea and set the case for trial, which was won and the ticket was dismissed. By getting this ticket and another ticket dismissed, no only did client get a refund from the court and lowered his insurance rates, he avoided a negligent operator suspension issue completely.
P. v. A. Gill: VC 22350, speeding 80 mph in a 35mph zone. Case dismissed by way of Trial by Declaration! (Southwest Justice Center, Riverside County, CA)
P. v. Vincente E. Charged with VC 22350 (55mph in a 40mph zone) and Failure to appear. Outcome: All Charges Completely Dismissed! (Chatsworth Court)
Description: Speeding ticket allegedly going 55mph in a 40mph zone. Also had a failure to appear hold on his driver license for not timely handling his ticket (prior to hiring me). A driver license hold puts driver’s at risk of picking up a misdemeanor driving on a suspended license if they were to get pulled over. Upon being retained I was able to quickly get the driver license hold released related to this ticket. I then successfully got the ticket and failure to appear charges dismissed completely at trial! No fines, no DMV points.
P. v. Malhar G. VC 22350, speeding. Charge DISMISSED! Client had accumulated 5 DMV points in 12 months leading to a negligent operator driver license suspension issue. By getting this ticket and another ticket dismissed, no only did client get a refund from the court and lowered his insurance rates, he avoided a negligent operator suspension issue. (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. A. Rodriguez. VC 26708 tinted windows violation, VC 16028 No insurance violation, two failure to appears resulting in hold on her license. Initially looking at $1,716 in fine and penalties. – Charges and failure to appears DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court)
P. v. Ryan C.: Failure to obey traffic signal VC 21461, and two failure to appears. Initially looking at approximately $1,000 fine, DMV point on license, and suspended license based on the failures to appear. – Charge and failure to appears DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Jerome Simpkins: Speeding VC 22349(a); 85 mph in a 65mph zone, plus VC 40508(a) failure to appear. – Both Charges DISMISSED saving client $1,180 in court fines and fees as well as from any points on his driving record! (Santa Clarita Court)
P. v. Ted T.: Speeding VC 22349(a); 82 mph in a 55mph zone – DISMISSED! (Pasadena Court)
P. v. D. Palumbo (Class A License): Red Light Camera violation -DISMISSED! (Beverly Hills Court)
P. v. L. Hicks (Class A License): Misdemeanor charge; Logging Book violation -DISMISSED!
(Santa Clarita Court)
P. v. Eric B. VC 22349 speeding ticket (1 DMV point) and VC 26708 tinted window violations. VC 22349 speeding ticket DISMISSED! No DMV points! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Kevin S.: VC 14601.1 Driving on a suspended license, -DISMISSED! and reduced to infraction VC 12500(a) – no jail, no probation, no points on DMV record!)(Airport / LAX Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. R. Canipe: Had VC 4000 violation and two failure to appears. Case was in GC collection services with fines totaling over $900. VC 4000 Failure to have car Registered -DISMISSED! Both failure to appears – DISMISSED! Total fine = $0
P. v. Maria R.: VC 23123.5 Cell phone ticket and failure to appear –DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Thomas M.: VC 4000 Failure to have car Registered
(Metro Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ryan C.: VC 4000 Failure to have car Registered, and two failure to appears. Initially looking at approximately $1,000 fine – Charge and failure to appears DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. W. Taylor: Misdemeanor charge; VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license
Charge Reduced to Infraction! $25 fine (Metropolitan Court; Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ashlei C: Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license charge, -DISMISSED!(Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Nati F; Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license charge, reduced to Infraction (Antelope Valley Court, Lancaster, CA)
P.v. Kirk I.: VC 21453(a), Failure to stop at Red Light, Red Light Camera ticket. -DISMISSED! (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Carlos R: VC 22101(d) failure to obey traffic signal. Failure to appear at court with hold on his California Drivers License. -All Charges DISMISSED! Hold released from Drivers License (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Steve C. Charged with VC 5200(a). Charge Dismissed! (Chatsworth Court)
P. v. Maria R.: VC 21453(a), Failure to stop at Red Light, Red Light Camera ticket. -DISMISSED! (Beverly Hills & Santa Monica Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. T. Hill: VC 5200(a) and two Failure To Appear charges, , -DISMISSED! (Chatsworth Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Alan R. Misdemeanor VC 12500 Driving without a valid license charge, -DISMISSED! (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ryan C. VC 23112(a) Littering and failure to appear. Initially looking at approximately $1,200 fine& fees – Charge and failure to appear DISMISSED! (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County)
P. v. Kwon S: Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license charge, -DISMISSED! (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ryan C.: Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 (with Priors) Driving on a suspended license, -DISMISSED! and reduced to infraction VC 12500(a) – no jail, no probation, no points on DMV record!)(Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v.Chad G..: Misdemeanor VC 14601.2 (with 4 Prior VC 14601.2 convictions within 5 years) Driving on a suspended license. -ALL PRIORS STRICKEN! – no jail!) (San Fernando Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Eric F..: Misdemeanor VC 14601.1 (with 4 Prior VC 14601.1 convictions within 5 years) Driving on a suspended license. I replaced another attorney on the matter. Originally that attorney wanted client to take a deal that included 60 days jail. A few hearings after I was retained, -ALL PRIORS STRICKEN! – no jail!) (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Ernie P: Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license charge, -DISMISSED!,VC 16028 no proof of insurance -DISMISSED!,VC 23123 Cell phone ticket, $20 fine, no points on driving record! (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v. Muhammad A: Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a valid license charge, VC 16028(a) no proof of insurance -ALL CHARGES DISMISSED!, (Metro Court, Los Angeles, CA)
P. v Adrian M: Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) 2nd offense Driving without a valid license charge,Reduced to Infraction VC 26708, Illegally tinted windows -DISMISSED! VC 16028(a) no proof of insurance-DISMISSED! VC 24252 Broken taillight-DISMISSED!(Metro Court)
P. v. Eric B: Misdemeanor VC 23109(c) Exhibition of Speed DISMISSED! Reduced to Infraction speeding ticket with approved traffic school to remove DMV point. (Santa Clarita Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Holly F. – Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a Valid Licensed -DISMISSED!(Bellflower Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P v. Rick D. – VC 22348 Speeding, 110 mph in a 65mph zone. 2 DMV Points (half way to a negligent operator drivers license suspension), not eligible for traffic school. Charge DISMISSED, resolved for regular 1 point VC 22349 speeding, approved for traffic school, and reducing potential total costs of VC 22348 conviction by thousands. (Metropolitan Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. Damian G. – Misdemeanor VC 12500(a) Driving without a Valid Licensed -DISMISSED! (Van Nuys Court, Los Angeles County, CA)
P. v. T. Yates (Commercial Driver) – VC 22348 Speeding, 115 mph in a 65mph zone. 2 DMV Points (half way to a negligent operator drivers license suspension), up to 30 day driver license suspension, not eligible for traffic school, potential loss of employment. Charge completely DISMISSED! No fines, no points on driving record, no insurance premium increases! (Michael Antonovich Antelope Court, Lancaster, CA)