DUI dismissal after 2 years?
Probation violation issue for failure to complete Court requirements Question: I was pulled over in 06/17/2017 by a sheriff. The Sheriff called... Read More
Can I be thrown in jail for not completing my driving school for a DUI?
Question: Can I be thrown in jail for not completing my driving school for a DUI? I went to Court for it... Read More
Can I hire an attorney to get a probation extension on my California DUI so I can finish my DUI Classes?
Can I get a DUI attorney to help me with a probation issue for not completing the alcohol program in time?
Question: I did all of my DUI back in 1999 classes except 2, will I have to start all over? Initially I was convicted of 23152(b) VC.
Question: I did all of my DUI back in 1999 classes except 2, will I have to start all over? Initially I... Read More