DUI dismissal after 2 years?
Probation violation issue for failure to complete Court requirements Question: I was pulled over in 06/17/2017 by a sheriff. The Sheriff called... Read More
Question: Is weaving enough to get arrested for DUI? Pulled over on 405 near Encino for DUI, and arrested for DUI in Van Nuys jail with court there.
Pulled over for weaving Question: Is weaving enough to get arrested for DUI? I was pulled over on 405 near Encino for DUI,... Read More
Getting an old DUI conviction expunged
Getting an old DUI conviction expunged Question: In California can I get a DUI from 20 years ago in Van Nuys Court... Read More
Is it possible to remove a DUI from your record?
It can be helpful to remove a DUI conviction from your record by getting the conviction dismissed, by Phil Hache DUI Attorney. Call 818-336-1384 to discuss further.